First Day of Camp

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As soon as we arrived Arthur woke me up and we headed outside where we were met by the heads of camp. There were two of them. They were wearing matching uniforms and jackets. It was a man and a woman. We later found out that they were in fact husband and wife. After we were given a tour, shown are dorms we all headed out on a long nature walk. I hated it but I was allowed to listen to music while doing it. That did make the situation better.

The walk was really trying and made my legs hurt a lot but I just ignored it. Why would I let a little thing annoy my really good, almost perfect day. I really was starting to regret what I was wearing as it was tight on my skin and annoying to roll up, but many people helped me up the hill, making sure I didn't fall over. The pain and the tiredness though was all worth it in the end, when we reached the top. The view was beautiful. I turned around towards my friends and smiled.

The sun was shining, high in the sky. The sky was almost cloudless and the temperature was fine. Though there was the odd spot of drizzle but it was a good amount. I knelt down and looked up at the sky. The hot sun drying of my sweaty clothes. Riley knelt down beside me and looked at my face and laughed. The guides were watching everything we were doing from afar. It really was amazing, like a dream.

A little while later and everyone was sitting down – including the guides. We all brought out the food we had bought at the store and began to eat and drink it all. The Dr. Pepper was refreshing on my tongue but still couldn't cool me down fully, but luckily it started to rain heavier and in no time at all it started to pour. Most people put their coats which had previously been around their waists on but some people including me didn't put them on and let the rain cool down their skin.

Not long past when one of the guides noticed thunder clouds moving in and we had to go back to base. I was annoyed about this but it was for the best. So, I slowly got up, making sure I didn't fall over and head over near the front and started to walk down. I normally found walking downwards easier than walking upwards but today because it was pouring it was really hard to even stay standing on my feet. I suddenly slipped and was about to hit my face on the rock that was below me when someone pulled at my top and levelled me out again. I turned to them and smiled before making my way down the mountain again.

By the time we get back the rain has died down a bit. The sun is still to come crawling back out from wherever it is hiding. I walk back to my room and get changed into more comfortable clothing and head back down stairs. Most people are playing on there devices. A disgrace. They have been gifted with a lovely piece of land at this camp the should as well use it. 

"Hey Atchaco!" One person shouts over at me. "We're playing just dance on the telly. Want to join. I know how much you love to dance." I just roll my eyes and sit by the other side of the room reading a book. Everyone stares at me for I normally do not turn down a dance challenge but I really did not feel like doing it at that moment in time or at all. 

At dinner I really wanted to sit by myself but that was not allwd and I soon found myself the center of attention - the last place I wanted to be. I glare at everyone, not taking much notice or care of them I continue eating my curry. The curry is really nice and warm on the stomach, sadly though it is not spicy like I like my curry's but I guess that is because the majority of the people here don't like spicy food ie my twin. She has never liked spicy foods. 

Once I finished my food I am excused and go back to the dorms where I get out my phone see if I have any messages. I don't so I just start to write some more stories, when I got bored of that I just went and saw what books they have to read. Sadly, there was no books that I wanted to read there. 

Riley noticed me feeling a little down in the blues and came up to me. "Hey, what is wrong?" She asked me stroking me on the shoulder. 

'Nothing. I'm just bored that's all. Nothing to worry about."

"Want to watch a movie with us?" 

"Depends. What are you watching?" I smile at her before fallowing her to the couches and we all sit down. Someone had put in a DVD but none of knew who it was or what they put in so we just watched whatever was on. The movie turned out to be really good. It was really funny.

After it had finished I went to go and get changed into my pajamas when someone stopped me from leaving. I turn around with a frown on my face and give them the death stare, to no surprise they automatically let go of me but I did not go to my room. I wanted to see why they had stopped me from going in the first place. I looked at them all as I sat back down with my hands on my lab. I leaned forward and looked directly at them.

"What was that for. You know when I want to do something you don't interrupt me. Asheanna should know that especially, she lives with me." I tell them, leaning in ever so closer. They all gulp as they exchange looks of terror towards me.

"Well... we were wondering if you wanted to play truth or dare to make sure you are not going soft."

"I'm confused. I have never been soft in my life. I am quite brave. I can't get scared by silly little things like the dark and monsters."

"Yeah, we know it's just that you being brave isn't the message that we are getting across. You have been acting like a wimp lately. We were wondering why?"

"Is none of your business. You don't know what I'm thinking. None of you are telepaths. How can you really know. You can't! So don't stick your nose into stuff you don't understand. Okay."

"But are you? I mean we don't have any proof. We all think that you might be."

"Want proof. I can give you proof. I'll do whatever it takes to get your nose out of my business. So I can be by myself once again. Like I had always wanted to be."

"Good. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare because I'm not a wimp like the rest of you." Everyone huddles in as they whisper about what they're going to make me do. I just look at them. They better not make it anything silly. To my surprise they go and get one of the teachers to come and help them decide. Or at least that's what I think he's for. "Well, hurry up I don't have all night." I moan at them. Asheanna look at me then they all turned to face me. I have no idea which one is going to speak.

"Atchaco." The teacher said. "I am finding this dare quite funny and dangerous but I think that it is good after they explained why you are going to do it. We were going to all be doing it at one point or another anyway."

"So, what is my dare?" I say as I smirk at them.

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