The Beach

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Hawk woke up the next morning and was overly excited that it was finally Saturday. Hawk got up, put on his swim trunks and his regular clothes over it. Hawk headed into the kitchen and grabbed himself a bowl cereal and some toast. He poured some milk and sat down at the table to eat his breakfast.

After finishing his break- fast, Hawk washed the dishes and put them in the rack to dry. He walk- ed over to the couch, picked up his backpack and emptied it's contents on to it. Hawk walked back into the kitchen and filled the backpack with snacks and water.

Slipping his backpack on, Hawk walked to the front door and opened it up. Stepping out he closed the door behind him and locked it before heading for the elevator. Stepping into the elevator Hawk pressed one and the elevator doors closed.

It wasn't long for the elevator to reach the first floor and when the doors opened, Hawk stepped out and felt something bump into him. "Ouch!" A female voice said, and she bounced off Hawk and fell to the ground with a grunt.

Hawk looked down with surprise and saw a girl on the ground, with her legs in a position that exposed her panties. Oh no not again, He thought as he felt a stir.

The girl stood up quickly and glared at Hawk. "Pervert." She said as she held her hands in front of her.

Hawk's brow arched as he regarded her in disbelief. "I wasn't the one who ran into someone, fell down and exposed their under- wear." Hawk replied with spite. The girl was shorter than Hawk and was rather skinny. Her mousy brown hair fell down to her shoulders. Her hazel eyes stared at him as she thought about what he had said.

"WellIsupposeitwasmy- fault." she said felling a bit ashamed as her face turned a light pink. "I'mGina." Gina said as she held out her hand to him.

"I'm Hawk." Hawk said has he shook her hand. "Well I have to go, I have people I have to meet." He said.

"Ok, I'llseeyouaround." Gina said and she waved goodbye. Wow, that girl was really crazy and she talks so damn fast I could hardly understand her, Hawk thought as you lift the building. Hot walk down the road for a little until he came to a bus stop and to his surprise saw Kimmy standing at the stop. Oh my God, this is the second time today this has happened, Hawk thought as he saw Kimmy.

Kimmy had on a half shirt, that exposed her mid-drift and a white wrap around that fell to mid thigh. Hawks heart beat rapidly in his chest as he looked at her. "What are you doing over here?" Hawk asked as he walked up to her at the bus stop.

Kimmy grinned as she looked at him. "Did it happen because you saw me dressed like this?" Kimmy asked with a giggle. Hawk's face flushed pink and he felt rather embarrassed by her words.

"Well at least I didn't come all the way over here for nothing." Kimmy said with a mischievous grin on her face. Just then the bus pulled up and hawk took off his backpack and held it in front of him as he got on the bus.

Meanwhile at another side of town, Kevin and Lisa were waiting for a bus to take them to the beach. "Stop staring at Lisa's boobs!"Lisa growled as she saw Kevin's eyes turn towards her.

"I...I'm n...not st...staring." Kevin studdard as he looked away.

Lisa clear that Kevin and disbelief, knowing him better than that. "You will never change pervert, you best keep your eyes to yourself." Lisa said and she forwarded her arms across your chest.

Meanwhile at the beach, a girl screeched at the top of her lungs and ran across the beach yelling pervert at the top of her lungs. The bus that Kimmy and Hawk was on stopped several blocks from the beach and let them out. "I wonder if the others are here yet?" Kimmy asked as they walk towards the beach.

"We'll find out when we get there." Hawk replied as he looked around to see if they were any- where nearby.

It didn't take long for them to reach the beach and they stopped and looked around, hoping the others were already there. "I guess we should wait here until they show up." Kimmy said as they looked around for them.

It wasn't long after they had arrived that they heard the loud growl in the distance. Kimmy giggled as she noticed the voice that was headed towards them. "They're at it again." Hawk said as he shook his head.

"I think Kevin likes her." Kimmy said with a smile on her face.

Hawk looked at Kimmy with a raised brow and white eyes. "Well, if you call that love I don't want any part of it." Hawk said earnestly.

Can we look at him he slapped him in the shoulder. "You have no sensitivity to you?" Kimmy said with a frown on her face.

How good his head and tried to figure out how to put it into words. "It's really not that way, it's just that they yell at each other so much one would think that they would be in a fist fight in a matter of seconds." Hawk said with a sigh.

Kimmy shook her head and couldn't believe what she was hearing. "You you guys don't have a romantic bone in your bodies." Kimmy said with a sigh.

"Kimmy...Hawk!" Lisa hollered at her and kept Kevin spotted them close by. Kenny waved at them and made them halfway across the beach.

"Well it's about time." Hawk said as they stopped next to each other.

They greeted each other and then decided where they were going to sit. To put down there beach towels and Hawk removed his backpack placing it next to his towel. The boys easily took off their shirts toss- ing them on their towels and sat down as well.

Hawk looked up as Kimmy pulled off her shirt and noticed that she was wearing a bikini underneath. Kimmy pulled off her wrap and set it down on a towel before sitting down herself.

This can't be happening, I'll never get rid of it with her looking like that, Hawk thought as he averted his eyes. How- ever Kimmy noticed and let out a giggle, causing Hawk to blush. I used to pull off her pants, tossing them on her towel when she pulled off her shirt Kevin's eyes got wide and his mouth dropped open with awe.

Lisa's boobs were so big it made the one piece swimsuit look really tight. "Quit staring at Lisa's boobs!" Lisa yelled at Kevin, and she sat down on her towel. Kevin frowned and looked down at his towel to avoid the angry look he was getting from and irate Lisa.

"Okay it's all calm down now, we came here to have fun and not to be mad." Kimmy said as she she looked at the others with a raised brow.

"Ok, Kevin better stop looking at Lisa's boobs." Lisa said and she looked over at Kimmy.

"Well, having Kevin stare at your boobs it's much more preferable than having Peter around doing it what he does." Hawk said has he sat there.

Kimmy started the giggle and she remembered the things Peter did. "Hawks right... you don't...want him poking around!" Kimmy said and she rolled around screeching with laughter.

"Oh boys are perverts, Lisa doesn't like them." Lisa said with a frown on her face. Kimmy stood up and walked down towards the water and Hawk decided to follow her. Not wanting to be left out Lisa and Kevin followed them down to the water.

Kimmy let out a screech and jumped back as the water touched her feet. "That's really cold." Kimmy said and she backed away.

Hawk put his hand on the small of Kimmy's back and she looked up at him. "The trick is to do it slowly." Hawk said as he coaxed Kimmy back to the water and put his arm around her waist to keep her from running away.

Kimmy looked at Hawk with a raised brow. "Are you trying to get fresh?" Kimmy asked.

Hawk's face turned pink again and you looked at Kimmy with surprise on his face. "What...that's not it...I'm just trying to keep you...from backing up." Hawk standard as he tried to explain to Kimmy. She laid out at giggle has she heard Hawk steamer. Hawk let out a sigh has he realized she was just poking fun I had him. So you want to play games, well I can play the same games you play, Hawk thought as he coaxed Kimmy in a little further. Kimmy squealed every time they went in further the water was now up to her knee.

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