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"I'll be ok." Kimmy said as she looked up at Hawk with a smile.

"I'm not leaving until I know you will be ok." Hawk said as he lay down on the floor next to her bed.

Kimmy let out a sigh of disbelief. "If you're going to stay get on the bed." She said as she held the covers up. Hawk sat up and his eyes got wide as he saw Kimmy's panties again. "You better not try anything or I'll kick you out." Kimmy said in a stern voice.

"I'll be right back." Hawk said as he stood up and rushed to the Kimmy's bathroom.

Kimmy let out a giggle, knowing exactly what had happened. "You got excited didn't you?" Kimmy said and begin to giggle.

Kimmy let the covers down and she waited for Hope to return. When Hawk finally returned, she held up the covers and he crawled into the bed. "You better not get it all over my bed." Kimmy said and she looked at him through narrow eyes.

"What...I wouldn't...I cleaned up." Hawk studded with a frown on his face.

"Good night." Kimmy said as she closed her eyes.

"Good night." Hawk said and she closed his eyes and went to sleep. Hawk felt something stir as oh wait press down against him. Hawk's eyes shot open and saw Kimmy sitting right on top of him. "Oh no...stop...I'll explode." Hawk said, his face twisted into a look of pleasure.

"Nooo!" Hawk yelped as he set up in the bed, knowing what had just happened.

"Eew! You disgusting pervert can't have a bad ." Kimmy said as she shoved Hawk out of the bed. Hawk hit the floor with a stud and looked up at Kimmy with shock on his face. "Go home, now I'll have to clean it up." Kimmy said as she got out of bed and pulled the sheets off.

"I'm sorry...it was a dream." Hawk said as he made his way to the door.

"Just go." Kimmy replied as she walked towards the bathroom. Hawk let out a sigh, stepped outside and closed the door behind him. Hawk left the building and began his walk home. I can't believe this happen- ed, it was all an accident and yet she kicked me out. Why does this always happen to me, Hawk thought on his way home.

It didn't take long for Hawk to reach his apartment building, he crossed the lobby and got into the elevator. He rode the elevator to the fourth floor where he got out and paused at the sight he saw. "Ohthereyou- are." Gina said with a smile on her face.

"What are you doing at my door in the middle of the night?" Hawk asked as he got out of the elevator.

"OhIcouldn'tsleep, soI- thoughtIwouldmakeme- somthingbutIdon'thave- enoughsugar." Gina said with a smile .

"Sugar again, you keep that up and you'll get diabetes." Hawk said as he unlocked his door.

He opened the door, took the cup from Gina and walked to the kitchen. Hawk filled the cup and returned to the door. "There you go." He said as he handed the cup to Gina.

"Thankyousomuch, see- you later." Gina said as she turned and walked back home. Hawk closed the door and made his way to the kitchen once again.

Hawk grabbed a few burritos and put them in the microwave. When the microwave dinged, he pulled the burrito out and went to the table to eat them. After finishing them, Hawk threw away the paper towels and wrappers.

Hawk went to his room, lay down on the bed and let out a sigh. I guess I really blew it, I bet Kimmy won't talk to me anymore, Hawk thought as he closed his eyes. Not knowing what will happen tomorrow, Hawk drifted off to sleep.

Hawk opened his eyes and sat up in bed, the events of the previous day echoed in his mind as he stood up.

Hawk walked to the kitchen and made him- self a bowl of cereal. He sat down at the table and ate. He let out a sigh and put his spoon down as he heard a knock at his door.

Who is knocking at my door this early in the morning? Hawk thought as he walked to the door and opened it. "Hello- Hawk, whatareyoudo- ingtoday, canIcomein?" Gina said rapidly and slipped around Hawk before he could say a word.

"What do you want this time?" Hawk asked as he walked back to the table and sat down to finish eating.

"Ijustwantedtoseewhat- you were doing." Gina said with a smile.

"I'm not doing much as you can see." Hawk said as he began to finish his cereal.

"Ilikecereal, thereso- sweetandtastesogood." Gina said, nearly swoon- ing over them.

"If you just came to annoy me, then go home." Hawk said as he finished eating.

"Ok, I'llseeyoulater." Gina said as she stood up and walked to the door. "Maybewecoulddosome- tingtogethersometime- soon." She said as she stepped out the door and closed it behind her.

That isn't going to happen if I can help it, Hawk thought as he sat down on the couch. He gave a start, as he heard his phone rang. Hawk picked it up and saw it was Kimmy calling him. "Hi Kimmy, I'm sorry about last night." Hawk said in a sad tone.

"Well the fourth of July is coming up and I thought that we could go with the others." Kimmy said over the phone.

"Ok, that way I can make it up too you." Hawk said happily.

"I forgive you, besides you couldn't help what happened." Kimmy replied. "I'll talk to you later." She said, before hanging up. A smile spread across Hawks face as he hung up as well. Kimmy isn't mad at me and asked me 5go with her to the fourth of July celebration. I better call the others and tell them, Hawk thought as he brought up his phone book.

Hawk called the other members of the club and told them what Kimmy had planned. Everyone agreed to meet the evening of the fourth to celebrate with each other.

Hawk decided to call Kimmy back and let her know. "I talked to the others and they agreed to meet the evening of the fourth ay the school." Hawk said.

"That's great, I'll talk to you later." Kimmy said cheerfully and hung up the phone. Hawk smiled as he put his phone in his pocket and headed for the door. He stepped out of his apartment and closed the door, locking it behind him.

He walked to the elevator and took it down to the lobby. It was quite in the lobby as Hawk crossed it and stepped into the bright sunny day. Hawk walked down the street and made his way into town.

It's been a long time since I came down here, Hawk thought as he looked in the shop windows to see what they had. Gem Locker, a quaint little jewelry shop sat between Music Nathan and Burger World.

The shop is yellow brick, a large picture window with the new in gold letters and a display of jewelry. Hawk gave a start, as something ran into him. He turned around and looked down to see Gina laying on the ground. Her skirt was bunched up around her waist and everyone could see her pink panties.

"Why do you keep running into me?" Hawk asked as he held out his hand.

Gina took his hand and Hawk pulled her to her feet. "Thankyou." Gina said as she straightened her skirt. "I'msorryfor- runningintoyou, I didn't- seeyou." Gina said as she brushed herself off vigorously.

"You should be careful and watch where your going." Hawk replied with a stern look.

"Yes, Isupposeyouare- rightIshouldbemorecare- fulandwatchwhereI'm-going." Gina said in a fast pace. "WellI'vegottogo, seeyoulater." Gina said as she waved goodbye to Hawk.

That's one strange girl, Hawk thought as he entered the store. The walls were Lt. blue, the floor had dark blue tile and the trim was black. Glass display cases dotted the floor and to the right of the door was a counter with a cash register.

Hawk looked around and stopped by one case to look at the necklaces. There was one that had two chains and at the end were two hands clasped together as if they were shaking hands with each other.

"May I help you?" A female voice asked as she stepped up beside the display.

"How much is that one?" Hawk asked as he point- ed at the one he wanted to get.

The woman unlocked the case and took out the necklaces. "Thirty five dollars." She said as she handed it to him.

"Ok, I'll take it." Hawk said as he handed it back to the woman. He follow- ed her up to the counter and handed her the money to pay for the necklaces. She closed the case and put it in a small bag, before handing it to Hawk.

Strange Encounters: Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now