Chapter 3

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Stupid arse mental test is draining the bloody life out of me. There are about ten people left, including myself, and we are all struggling. I glanced at the old hag in curiosity, wondering what the final tet would be when she started walking towards me. Oh shoot, did I do something wrong? I didn’t come this far to screw everything up now. Where did I go wrong? Someone, please tell me.

The elder stopped in front of me and met my gaze, her one was unwavering while mine wanted to be anywhere but connected with hers at this moment in time. “Alexander Goodman.”

“Yes, elder?” I asked, trying to hide my nervousness. Please, just get this over and done with. I can’t stand it. I knew it was too good to be true. This is just a cruel joke to her. She gives me hope, and then crushes my dreams at the final obstacle.

“It’s time for your final mental test. Are you ready?”  She questioned, and I let out a breath that I didn’t realise I was holding. That makes more sense than her wanting to kick me out. I forgot that gran doesn’t have a sense of humour like the rest of us.

I nodded, trying to mentally prepare for what could happen next in this, but probably failing miserably. “I’m ready.”

There was suddenly a blindfold put over my eyes, and I was dragged off somewhere. Alright, Alexander, stay calm. Find your happy place. Think of sunshine and tacos. This is all just a part of the test. Probably. Maybe. I don’t know. What if the witch was trying to kill me? Has she finally had enough? No, I doubt it. I mean, I’m sure she’s had enough of me, but I doubt she’ll go as far as killing me. She has some self-respect. So this must be a part of the test, which means that this will all be under a controlled environment; which means I’m going to live! So where are they taking me? And why the heck do I have to be blindfolded? I was suddenly put down and let go of me, minutes later a voice appearing; the elders.

“Take off the blindfold, Alexander.” She said, and I obeyed, taking the blindfold off, only to be met with darkness. Okay, maybe she did kill me. Or at least attempted to. I’ll give her the benefit of a doubt, though. My eyes adjusted to the darkness, and it looked like I was in a room. So I’mma rule death out of the picture for now, but it’s still a possibility.

“Where am I?” I asked, looking around in visible confusion. I wonder if she can see me, or even hear me.

“That doesn’t matter now. All that matters is getting out. But is your mind clear enough to do so?” The elder replied. Well, she can hear me.

“What-” Before I could finish the question I was about to ask, the lights turned on, and the landscape was an open field with a couple of trees dotted around. What the heck? I thought I was in a room, and now I’m outside. This makes absolutely no sense. I started walking, hoping to find some idea of what’s going on, but nothing so far. I looked around at the barren landscape. This is a mental test, so it has to be something to do with what’s inside my head. But the mind is a powerful place, so it might be hard to interpret what’s going on at times. Is your mind clear enough? That’s what she asked me. But what does that mean? Of course, my mind is clear enough. Completing this is all I’ve ever thought of. The stupid old witch with her stupid mind tricks. I should have known this would have been set up or something.

“Alexander.” Came the elder’s voice, and I rolled my eyes and sighed. “Be prepared for the worst, but remember why you’re here.”

What? Why the heck can’t she just give it to me straight? Is it really that difficult? I guess so! There was suddenly an explosion behind me, and I turned around. What the hell is going on now? Am I finally getting some action? If so, this is gonna be epic! I can’t wait for this to get started. I watched the smoke die down from the explosion, the anticipation building up inside of me. I am so pumped right now. There was a shadow in the plume of smoke, which soon emerged to reveal… a cat? Hold up; so you’re telling me that all of this was for a cat? A goddamn cat? Why the hell is there a cat here? What does a cat have to do with ANYTHING?!? I don’t even know why I try anymore. I honestly have no idea why I try, because this is bloody ridiculous. I mean, the cat’s cute and all, but it’s not important in any way shape or form. OR, maybe it is. This is a mental test after all. What can I associate with cats? Witches. My mum. Milk. Furballs. Trees. Big cats. I’m running out of ideas. Birds, why am I so bad at this? Hunting. I have nothing else. Ummm… what now? I looked around again, hoping to find something useful, but nothing stood out that wasn’t there before, other than the random assortment of trees, but I don’t know if that’s just me, or what. Aren’t trees usually grouped together? No? Just me? Okay. I looked up at the sky. It was cloudless and birdless. I couldn’t hear any birds in the trees, either. As a matter of fact, I think it’s just me and the cat out here. I turned back to the cat, only to see it gone, and a sense of dread filled me. I have mixed emotions about this entire situation so far. I heard a crow squawk and was prepared to drop down dead at any moment. Weirdly enough, that moment never came. Okay, I guess a crow isn’t always the bringer of death. I carried on walking, now slightly more wary of my surroundings. Is your mind clear enough to do so?

The elder’s words rang around my head. What the heck does she mean by that?  I honestly have no clue at this point, but I feel like they could be important. OR, I’m going stir crazy, one or the other. Honestly, I would place my bets on either option. I just saw a cat come out of an explosion, so I’m obviously not in the right frame of mind for anything right now. But that doesn’t matter.  Yet. All that matters is where I am and where I’m going. And possibly where the heck the cat went because I am still confused about how the heck it has anything to do with what’s going on. Like, maybe it had some sort of collar on it to help me figure this out. I have no idea at this point. Someone, please just give me a sign. My mentality isn’t so great right now. I’m not good at mental tests! Why won’t anyone listen to me? I need help! It shouldn’t be every man for himself out here. Wait a minute… that’s it! EVERYMAN FOR HIMSELF! Nope, I lost my train of thought with that. But, I have a new one. If this is a mental test where my mind has to be clear to finish it, does that mean this is all in my mind? I mean, it would make sense because I started off in a room, and then I suddenly appeared in an open field. So I’m either trapped in my own thoughts, or this is a simulation of some sort. But, a simulation would have some realism to it, and stuff would happen that would make at least some sense. But, if I’m in my mind, things will lack any kind of sense or structure because that’s the kind of person I am. So this is all just in my mind. None of it’s real. Wait a minute… so why did a cat come out of an explosion in the middle of a field on a nice day? Is that seriously all my mind has to offer? That’s concerning if it is.

“Well done, Alexander.” The elder said, and once again a blindfold was put over my eyes. I was led back to the main hall, and the blindfold was taken off. In front of me stood the elder, a smug look on her face. “You have completed the final test in record time. You’ll be proving yourself, Alexander.”

“Really?” She nodded. “That is awesome! Thanks a lot, gran!” I exclaimed, punching the air. “And you all doubted that I could do it!”

“Now hush, before I change my mind.” The elder scolded

“Sorry. But, uh, how did you do that before?” I asked, and she pointed at my jacket pocket. I stared at her, confused.

“Check your pocket, Alexander. It will explain all you need to know for now.” The elder said, walking off. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I unfolded and read it, eager to know what was going on.


All that you bore witness too was an illusion. A figment of your imagination. And by figuring that out, you have shown that you can keep a calm mind when needed, and you can think outside of the box in obscure situations. You have a pathetic mind, but you made it nonetheless, despite everyone thinking you were going to do the complete opposite. You truly know how to turn the table on people. But now you are all on your own and I cannot intervene if something were to happen to you like I could have with the mental test if need be. You can take what you need, but no one from the village may assist you on your journey. It may be hard, but only you can prove who you are. In your quest for redemption, don’t forget who, or what, you’re fighting for because sometimes that’s all you have. And never forget who you are, Alexander. Never.

Okie Dokie then. The elder helped me prepare throughout the years. Of course, not intentionally, but she still helped in more ways than I can count. I’ve got a lot of respect for her. But now it’s just me, myself and I, and I ain’t backing down yet.

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