The secret...

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(Harry's POV)

            She hasn't talked to me ever since I revealed my secret to her. She called off the party and didn't talk to anyone; through facebook, text message, e-mail. Nothing. I don't know whether to feel bad, nervous, scared. I dont' know. I just need to talk to her and figure out what she is thinking, her feelings about it. Maybe she isn't mad, she just needs time to think it over.

            I finally sit up in my bed. I stare out of my window and watch the light snow fall. I get up and walk to into the bathroom debating if I should take a shower or not as I'm already letting the water run. I didn't care what temperature the water was. When I step out I rub my hair with the towel so it isn't dripping down my back. I tie the towel around my waist as i rummage through my dressers finding anything to wear. I find some grey jeans and a black t-shirt and slip them on. I go back into the bathroom, hang up the towel, and open the mirror to get out one of my gel bottles. I squirt some into my hand and run my fingers through my hair, making it stand up a bit and then down the back of my head. I go downstairs, put on my jacket, and slip my feet into my shoes. I grab a couple bucks before I go so I can buy a couple packages of blood since I ran out. 

            As I'm walking to my car I get a text from Zayn. 

            'Hey, you know why Sam cancelled her party?'

            I didn't reply because I didn't want him to know that I revealed the existence of vampires to a human. He'd be really pissed.

            I make my way down to the pub. I walk in and point to the bartender as I sit down and he knows to get me the usual; four packages of blood with a miniature bottle of liquor. There are more people than usual here, probably because I woke up late, so I have to come behind the counter and act like I'm helping him with something. I put the stuff in my jacket and he grabs my arm and looks at me "Are you okay? You look more bummed out than usual."

"Yeah I'm fine Charlie, it's just, I think I like this girl and I'm not sure about her feelings because of what I am. And when Zayn finds out I know he's gunna be pissed."

"Well, I've never been a vampire before, but the best advice I can give you is to wait. That's what you've got to do with women. Oh, and don't try talking to her, at all, because then she'll realize that she's spending all this time deciding when she should just accept you for who you are, and blah blah blah..."

"How would you know that?"

"I have four daughters Harry, how don't I know that?"

I smirk, thank him, and head off back to my apartment so I can get this blood into my system.

(Samantha's POV)

'Why am I still here? I should be with Harry right now! What the hell?!'

I rush outside, not caring how cold it is, get a cab and go to Harry's apartment. When I walk up to his door I take a deep breath and knock twice. He opens the door a few seconds later and I think he wanted to smile but he knew this was important for both of us and that we needed to talk. 

He shoves his hands into his back pockets and waits for me to say something, but I am doing the same. I cross my arms.

"Can I come in?"


He steps aside, lets me in, and closes the door behind me. I'm amazed at how big one apartment room was. To the right there was a fire place surrounded by a white couch and two white chairs, with a glass table in the center. A t.v. right above the fire place. To the left was the kitchen; it had white cupboards to match the theme in the living room, an island with white bar stools. It was like the perfect house.

I turn to him. He's leaning on the table where he drops off his keys.

"I don't care what you are." I say to him. "I've liked you since the first of day of school, and now I feel like I'm falling for you."

It was embarrassing but I had to say it so he knew.

"I love you too." is all he says.

I frown "That's it?"

He starts to walk over and smiles at me. "You had a lot more to say because you didn't know how to put it. I knew how to say it though. I love you."

We are face to face, he looks deep into my eyes. I melt staring back into his. He puts his hand under my chin on the right side, pulls me in close, and kisses me. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling his body close to mine. I feel him smile and it makes me smile too. I giggle and he moves his hands down to my hips and pulls me even closer which I didn't think was possible but then again I didn't think the existence of vampires was possible. ;)

I hear a ring. We pull away and look at each other in surprise by the sudden noise. I reach into my purse and see it's my mom calling.

"Shit" I say. I didn't leave a note or anything to tell her where I was.

I answer calmly. "Hi mom."

"Ummmm, where are you?" she asks worried but also kind of angry.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was leaving for Harry's house to work on a school project. I was in a hurry."

"Okay well tell Harry I say 'Hi' and dinner is ready so are you coming home soon?"

"Oh, yeah. I'll leave right now, we got pretty far on our project" I say sarcastically as I look at Harry and smile.

"Well my mom says 'hi'. My dinner is ready so I'm going to go." As I slowly walk towards the door. 

He grabs the handle before I can and opens it for me. I smile and awkwardly walk out. He laughs at my dorkyness. l give a little wave and start walking down the hall. He steps out into the hall.

"Samantha." I turn around "Do you want to come over tomorrow and have dinner here?"

I feel overjoyed and answer quickly "Yeah." 


So that's the second chapter. I'm hoping to get the third one done over Christmas break. Please comment or message me if you did or didn't like it.

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