The party

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I walked into the yard to the front door and knocked. Some random person opened the door and told us to come in. When we walked in everybody was staring at me. I catch this guy staring at me while talking to another girl. I role my eyes knowing he's just another play boy. I have only dated two people, because boys just break my heart and nobody really liked me. I follow jade in to the kitchen to get a drink. I look back to where the guy was standing bug he was gone.

Jade: you ok?
Me: yup.
Jade: do you want a drink?
Me: oh no im fine, I dont drink.
(The people behind me start laughing)
Jade: are you sure?
Me: actually...yea ill take one.
Jade: ok

Jade hands me the drink and some people start staring. I hurry up and drink it so I don't seem like a baby. It was disgusting but I lied and said it was ok.
I then follow Jade into the living room. I see the guy that was staring at me and the girl he was talking to sitting on his lap kissing, then there were one other person, his name was Jake, Jake was Jades boyfriend. Jade went and sat on his lap and kissed him. She then introduced me to them.

Jade: guys this is Taylor
Jade: Taylor this is Kaden (the guy that was staring at me), Brittany (the girl he was talking to) and you already know Jake .
Me: Hi
Brittany gave me a snobby look.

I mostly just sat there on my phone because Jade and Jake were making out and so were Brittany and Kaden. Jake finally spoke up.

Jake: how bout a game of 5 minutes in heaven?
Me: Ummm.....I dont know about that
Brittany: what are you a chicken?
Me: No.
Jake: so is that a yes?
Everyone: sure.

We set the game up and a couple other people joined the circle. Jake spins first and gets Jade. They get shoved into a closet. After five minutes they come out smiling and holding hands. Next Brittany spins and gets Tommy (random person). They ho in the closet. After five minutes they come out smirking. Kaden didnt seem to care at all. Next I spin and get............KADEN!! Me and kaden get shoved in the closet. I didn't know what to say. Kaden leaned in and I said:

Me: sorry I can't do this.
Kaden: come on, its just a kiss.
Me: im not kissing someone I just met, especially if he has a girlfriend.

I open the door and run out of the closet and out to the front yard. Little did I know Kaden went after me. Some random person grabbed my hand.

???: you look good.
Me: leave me alone please.
???: not until you kiss me.
Me: no, get away from me.

He slams me against the house and starts kissing my neck. I start crying begging for him to stop. Kaden sees that i'm are crying and runs up to me. He punches the guy in the face and tackles him to the ground. I scrape my face on the brick house. Somehow I get Kaden off of him. Kaden sees my face and brings me to his room. He tells me to sit on the bed and grabs a warm wash cloth. He sits next to me.

Kaden: are you ok, are you hurt?
Me: no.
Kaden: are you sure?
Me: yes Kaden I'm fine.
Kaden: ok.
Me: I didnt think of you of the caring type.

Kaden laughs quietly. He brings the wash cloth up to my face. He looks me in the eyes. I can't help but lean in. I kissed him softly, his lips were so soft.......

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for more chapters. Have a great day, bye!

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