The first Case.

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The alarm went silent as it got thrown against the wall. "God I need to get a new damn alarm clock.." shuichi yawned, he stretched his limbs due to the awkward position he slept in.

"What time is it?" he mumbled while rubbing his eyes. Shuichi got up and slowly made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. He spalshed his face in cold water to wake up. "You look like shit.." he whispered to himself looking in the mirror.

"Shuichi—?" his uncle knocked on his door. "You up yet kiddo-?"

"Yeah!" Shuichi yelled from the bathroom. "Just in the bathroom i'll be down in a minute!"

"Alright kiddo, I made breakfast hurry down before you have to go."  his uncle's voice became distant.

Shuichi yelled ok even though his uncle probably didn't hear him.

Shuichi dressed into his regular school outfit the district provides all students with to represent what your talent is.

He grabs his bag and makes his way downstairs. "Ugh I hate this stuffy outfit." Shuichi groans.

"I had to wear even tighter outfits then that!" his uncle chuckled.

"At hopes academy? Or...?" Shuichi sets his bag onto the chair across from his uncle.

"Nah some school in Orlando I can't remember the name of." he waved his hand. "Disregarding that; are you ready for your first day?" his uncle beamed at him.

"I think so..?" shuichi shrugged.

"Don't be like that!" his uncle crossed his arms. "Remember these rules—!"

"Stay out of sight. Don't talk to anyone. Avoid eye contact. Be a teachers pet. Or the world will eat you up." shuichi repeated what his uncle ected into his brain since summer. "How am I supposed to function in school if I can't make contact— with anyone!?" shuichi groaned.

"Uh— act mute..?" his uncle shrugged.

"For a worldly known detective you suck."

"I honestly don't know how I solve cases sometimes kid." his uncle grins.

Shuichi shakes his head while trying to not laugh. He eats his cold pancakes wholeheartedly. The soft texture feeling like heaven against his taste buds. Then again he hasn't eaten since yesterday.

"I'm gonna turn on the news alright?" his uncle yelled to him from the living room.

Shuichi swallowed everything down before responding. " Ok! just don't put on some documentary while I'm here."

"Can't keep that promise!" he uncle laughs.

"Hello, this is reporter Sandra Marty and today we have some shocking news to tell—" shuichi stills. "Two more people have gone missing since the appearance of smiles has come to emerge. We urge people to stay home and lock every door and blind every window. We'll keep you updated here on TU news. Sighing off, Sandra."

Shuichi lost his appetite. "I'm gonna head to school." his uncle turns off the tv.

"Be safe Shuichi." his uncles back faced him. He's always like this...

"I will." shuichi heaves his bag over his shoulder and slides his shoes on before exiting.

A/n hope you Atleast somewhat liked this rewrite anyways I need sleep.


Shuichi didn't notice the time before it was too late. He was rushing towards his first period, late on the first day of Highschool is pretty bad.

Thankfully luck was on his side because he made just before the bell almost rung. He looks for a secluded seat ignoring all the stares.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2023 ⏰

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