keringnya sekeping hati

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I give you all my fifth:

I give you all my fifth:

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Seorang perempuan pertama kali merasa cinta - Airis Dhiya

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Seorang perempuan pertama kali merasa cinta - Airis Dhiya

Seorang lelaki pertama kali memahami apa itu hati - Asfa Ziqri

Benarkah cinta itu indah cliché seperti yang dikata? Ataukah benar cinta itu memperbodohkan?

"As benci tengok perempuan menangis. Sebab masa As nangis, perempuan boleh buat bodoh. Ni dorang nangis, dorang expect As nak pujuk?"

"Takde langsung rasa sedih ke masa saya nangis haritu?"

"Takde. Rasa nak humban keluar kereta ada lah."

"As nak juga manja-manja dengan sayang As ni haa."

"Jangan sia-siakan saya."

"Semalam As naik motor and hujan lebat gila then As duduk bawah bridge. Automatik jadi senyap and like— Apa word tu? Ha peaceful. Rasa macam time As dengan awak la. Tenang je. Then bila As keluar dari bridge tu terus rasa macam hujan batu. Harder than before. Faham? Hmmmm. Sayang. You are my bridge."

Once, that was such a happy times.

"As pernah kena halau rumah. Sekarang baru nak okay, jadi please lah jangan jadi tak matang, jangan burukkan keadaan. Sekali dorang cakap macam tu, macam tu lah jadinya. As taknak sampai jadi anak derhaka pulak. Awak bukan kenal pun bapak As macam mana."

"Awak selalu care pasal saya. Even saya taknak kasitahu dengan alasan 'I can do it alone', 'Saya taknak awak risau pasal saya' pun, tapi awak tetap nak tahu. Awak tak pernah terfikir ke masa tu betapa beraninya saya, betapa saya nak awak faham diri saya, betapa saya nak share semua benda dengan awak. I trusted you by telling you all the things. You asked. That shows you care. But why can't you do the same?! By telling me all things? You care pasal saya tapi tak care pasal diri sendiri? Macam tu ke?! Kenapa nak bebankan diri awak dengan kisah saya. I'm willing... to understand you but never once you— Saya penat."

"Cuba jadi matang sikit. Sebab tu lah As tak suka perempuan macam ni! Budak-budak!"

"Are you serious? Because in my dumbest mind, I still think it's all not clicking. Saya rasa awak tak jujur dengan saya. Memang awak tak jujur, kan? Tapi bukan selingkuh the main point here. Ada benda yang awak sembunyi dari saya ke? Still awak nak shoulder it alone? Taknak kasitahu saya? At the end awak just campak saya ke tepi dengan harapan saya bahagia? Awak ingat ni cerita Hindustan ke nak main-main drama air mata macam ni? Is it for myself or because you really don't want to share your life with me? For once, can you talk?! Tell me!"

"Just this. Awak pernah cinta saya ke tidak?"


Daripada bakal suami kepada jantan tak guna. Sekelip mata segalanya punah.

Kenali lah seorang Asfa Ziqri.

Lelaki yang maha menabur janji dan maha membiarkan.

"Later on, next five years maybe, kalau ada kawan awak carik saya and cakap awak berkorban for my happiness and that time maybe you dying of cancer or anything... I don't fucking care. Sebab awak penipu. I'm willing but you still pilih untuk tipu, okay go ahead. But remember this. Awak jantan tak guna. Hati awak kering, and now so do mine. So be proud. And thank you so fucking much, Asfa Ziqri."

"Dhiya, setiap pertemuan ada sebabnya. Anggap je saya ni datang... just untuk gembirakan awak."

Maafkan saya, Aslah Nawfal. I've had enough.

───※ ·❆· ※───

so, korang rasa this story berkisahkan macam mana? Still teka teki kan? tapi korang kan cerdik2 and kreatif2 so agak2 cemana? hehehehhehehhhe

So, after
1. Siapa Sangka? (worthable love story to be read with some sobby-tragedic plot)
2. Your Boss Your Husband (powerful love story that is full of foreign material yet still scorching hot to this day)
3. Esperance (cute-able love story with diminishing combo besides illegitimate child, an orphan stigmatised, depression issue, cringe but very admirable by others)
4. Girl Called Keva (just one: girl struggling in her post-aid incest battle)

In a nutshell, this Keringnya Sekeping Hati just not for everybody. It is one of those depressing reading material. Yet, it got many eyes opened. Because in the end, this is one of those story that you guys need if you are in searching. Nearing the end, you all will find what exactly you guys are in searching for in this very one, just story.

We all got a happy ending. That is His promise to us, eternalised. But we are all made different. That's the purpose of this story.

Happy reading! And read this piece of mine at your own definition leisure.

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