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We were ready to pounce on whoever was going to come out. Then out jumped a brown, wooly animal which was a mammoth I think. As he was about to run away from us,
"Hey why are you running away from us? We won't eat you. We could be friends." I said.
"You think I am running away from you?" The mammoth said in an irritated voice,"I am running away from this stupid slimy and stinky sloth, who is keep on following. Think you could help me from him."
"Um ok. But I don't think he could be that bad." I said.
"Whatever, just help me from him. He just stinks a lot and I can't stay next to a stinky sloth."
"But why?"
"Cause I hate stinky sloths and I can't take it anymore."
Then that green, slimy sloth and yes he was pretty stinky. Yuck.
"Umm hey, could you stay far away from us please." I said.
"But why? I just wanna be friends." The sloth said.
"Umm but you stink. By the way what is your name?"
"My name is Sid. Sid the sloth." He said with his hands on his hip.
"Yah yah you can get out of here now, Sid the sloth." The mammoth said.
"Oh I forgot, what is your name?" I asked.
"My name is Manny. And what are yours?" Manny said.
"My name is Diego."
"My name is Shira."
"My name is Rosy."
"My name is John."
"Nice to meet you all." Manny said.
"It's nice to meet you too, Manny." Rosy said.
"Hey are you forgetting someone!" Sid said.
"I think Sid can join us. What do you say sis?" I asked.
"Of course I think yes, what about you Manny. Do you agree on having him as our friend?" Rosy said.
"Ugh fine. As long as he takes a bath everyday." Manny said smiling.
"Yay, now we are the best of friends." Shira said.
"Where do you live?" John asked.
"Well my family abandoned me and all I had was my granny who ran away somewhere (Don't think Granny will return)." Sid said.
"Why did they abandon you?"
"Well they said that
"Well I live on my own. It is pretty easy and nice having friends." Manny said and smiled at us which we smiled back.
Then we decided to take them to our cave. Now mine and Shira's cave is really close. There Manny and Sid were surprised.
"Wow, is this where you stay?" Sid asked.
"Um yah where do you stay?" I asked.
"Oh me and my family used to live on the ground or on the trees."
"Oh I always sleep under trees." Manny said.
"Who are they Diego?" Mom asked.
"They are my new friends mom." I said.
"This is Sid and this is Manny." Shira said. 
"Oh I see, Sid and Manny, huh? Nice to meet you two. I am Kaylee. This is my mate Shawan. And that is Shylin and Danny. So where do you live?" Kaylee asked.
"Well we live alone we lost our families." Manny said.
"Well you could live close to our cave." Mom said.
"Really, thank you so much Diego." Sid  and Manny said.
"Your welcome." I said and smiled.
It was night time and we all slept. Manny slept under a tree close to my cave and Sid on the first branch of the tree.


It was morning and we were all up except for Shira and Rosy. Shira was so cute while sleeping. Anyway, I went to play with the boys. We were playing in the pool. At first I was so scared to jump in the pool because it was so cold and wet.


Diego was really very scared to jump into the water. His dad kept telling him,
"Go on Diego. Jump, I know you can do it."
But he just stared at the water not wanting to. Danny would keep telling him that he could do it. Rosy also knew to swim but she did not like getting into the pool.
"Hey Rosy you're the big sister right. Show him how easy it is to swim." Danny said.
Rosy made the 'ugh' sound and jumped in the water.
"See, very easy, now your turn." Rosy said.
"You just have claw and kick. Claw and kick. That's it. It will be very easy." Danny and Rosy said together.
But still Diego would not jump. Then Danny had an idea.
"Ok Diego it's not a problem. Come on you hop on my back and I will swim. You don't need to." He said.
Then a smile appeared on Diego's face and he jumped on his dad's back and Danny swimed.
Then suddenly Danny went deeper into the pool which left Diego on top of the water. Diego started panicking.
"Don't panic Diego. Just claw and kick!" Rosy shouted.
"Come on Diego. You can do it." Danny said.
"Diego! Diego! Diego!" Danny and Rosy started cheering.
Then Diego slowly started repeating what his dad and sister said.
"Claw, kick! Claw, kick!"
Then Diego started to swim and he started shouting and laughing and splashing the water.
"I did it! I did it!"
They started laughing and played in the water the whole day. 


Shira and Rosy joined us in the pool but not Shira. She did not want to get wet.
"Oh kitty is scared." I teased.
"I am not scared softie. I just don't want to play in the pool. Well I am going." She said.
"Oh no you don't." I said and stepped in front of her.
She moved to the right, and so did I. We continued this and she said,
"Softie move out of my way."
"Nope unless and until you join me in the pool. I-I mean us."
She tried to run but I pinned her down. Then I got up and pushed her in the pool. She had learnt to swim a few days back.
"Let's have a swimming race." Sid said.
"Great idea Sid." I said.
"And after that water splashing fight." Manny said.
"Awesome. Ok so let's start. Shira, you coming?" I asked.
"Diego why do you want to involve her? I mean you are always behind her." Sid asked.
I couldn't speak.
"Ok I am in." Shira said.
Thank god, Shira told and made Sid forget. But why do I think like that? I have to ask mom or dad tomorrow. I smiled at her.
"Ok 3...2...1... GO!" Sid shouted.
Shira and Rosy were overtaking everyone. Guess girl power, huh? Sid was also swimming next to me. Then Shira came first, then Rosy, me, John, Sid and Manny.
"Great race everyone." I said panting.
"Yah was fun." Shira said.
"Ok I think we will have the splashing fight some other day." John said.
"Right you are bro." Shira said.
We all headed home and I was thinking when to ask mom and dad about this.


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