33| The Room Beyond the Door

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Draco returned with a pile of blankets for us and told us where to find the garden shed.
Apparently no one ever bothered to go in there so that would be our place to stakeout.

The three of us crouch-ran along the house until we got to the shed.

"Thank Merlin! I need some sleep," Blaise went to set his stuff up.

"We need to take turns on guard," I told him.

"Well fuck," he sighed.


I volunteered as first watcher and propped myself up on a bale of hay near the door.

Sounds of sleep filled the room.

I took in the sight just beyond the window on the door.

So this was where Draco grew up.

The yard was so vast and filled with green grass in every possible spot. It was so up to par that even Uncle Vernon would have been envious.

I imagined a younger Draco toddling about the yard with a wide grin on his face.

The moon light cast deep and angry shadows from the house.

Or castle, more like.

I wondered if Draco ever got lonely in a place so big like this.

He never really spoke of it too often, and when he did it was usually about the food and nothing else.

I know that I would've been lonely in this place. Despite the knowledge of what was within this place, I couldn't help but feel a bit of a serene vibe from it all.

The stillness.

"Harry are you alright?" Hermione walked up behind me.

"Geez Hermione don't sneak up on me like that!" I hissed, "and yes, I'm fine,"

"You looked zoned out," she shrugged.

"I guess I kind of am," I responded.

"Well we can't have a zoned out watcher, go to sleep," she said.

"But then no one will be-,"

"-Harry I'm taking my shift now," she said dryly.


Morning came in the form of Blaise almost suffocating me when he rolled blankets on my face in his sleep.

"Blaise you-,"

"-shhhhh," Hermione hissed at us.

She had a scowl on her face as she pressed her ear to the door.

Blaise and I froze, was this the signal?

I couldn't hear anything but Hermione seemed to have been onto something.

"I hear something but I can't be sure what it is," she said to us.

I stood abruptly.
"It's probably the signal!"

"No I don't think so," she said.

"Wait wait," Blaise rummaged around in his pocket and pulled out extendable ears.

"Did you steal those?"

"Of course," he grinned.

Blaise lowered them slowly out a crack in the window and handed us the other end.

"... Draco,it's too dangerous for you here, you must go,"

It was a woman's voice, probably Draco's mother.

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