1: The Idea Of Freedom

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Sonic, a tall, blue-haired sixteen-year old, has just finished his usual afternoon run and was doing stretches in a small clearing in the woods somewhere that was miles away from the city, when a buff redhead with dreads, Knuckles, appeared. He stood a few feet directly in front of Sonic, not doing much except stand there with his muscular arms crossed, Sonic waved cheerfully, "Sup dude?"

Knuckles made a face and handed over a stack of papers, "Teacher told me to bring these to you."

"Huh? That's so much!" Sonic exclaimed looking at the papers, it was a big stack of homework.

Knuckles nodded judgmentally, "You're the one who keeps skipping school. Be glad I even bothered to bring you your stuff."

Sonic shrugged, "Eh, thanks, I guess."

"She said if you miss another day they're kicking you out." Knuckles warned, looking Sonic in the face to show how serious this was.

"That's not very, er, good." Sonic said waving a hand around in an attempt at humor.

Knuckles rolled his eyes, "Sonic, you haven't been at school in over two months. I bet you're way behind everyone."

"Hey! I'm the fastest person around, don't worry about me I'll be ahead before you know it!" Sonic protested in offense.

"Whatever. I gotta go now. See you tomorrow." Knuckles walked away and soon disappeared from sight.

Sonic glanced at the papers and sighed, "Fuck."

He heard a rustling sound and his head snapped up, "Hello?"

He saw a flash of pink and groaned, "Amy, I can see you!"

A pink haired fourteen-year old girl ducked behind a bush acting as if Sonic, her crush and one day future husband, hadn't just seen her. A few seconds later Sonic made his way over feeling annoyed, "Its already getting dark, Amy. You can't keep following me around like this. It's really fuc-damn weird and annoying. Go home."

Any pouted, "But I just wanna spend time with you, Sonic!"

Sonic gave her a disapproving frown when she launched herself at him and asked her, "How did you even know where I was?"

Amy stayed silent and avoided his gaze as Sonic began walking out of the woods, in the direction of the city towards Amy's house.

Sonic internally sighed, but asked sternly, "Amy, how did you know?"

Amy looked up at Sonic's serious looking face and began to tear up, she's never seen Sonic so upset with her before, "I- I'm sorry, Sonic! Please don't get Manic in trouble! I just- I just want- I'm sorry! Please don't be mad!"

Sonic shook his head, "Go home Amy."

"Sonic?" Amy asked trying to wipe her face of all tears.

"Do you realize how many times you could have gotten hurt by following me around?! It's dangerous and creepy. I've tried being patient with you, Amy, but I am tired of you never learning. You need to stop." Sonic demanded angrily.

Amy stared you at him in shock and started sniffling, Sonic stared back at her emotionlessly, "Stop that. It's annoying. I'm calling your mom."

Amy began crying harder, but nodded in acceptance. Sonic frowned, pulling out his phone and dialed her mother. Amy's mother answered and he told her what happened, she said she was on her way, and the call ended.

Sonic and Amy waited a full thirty minutes in semi-silence, Amy cried the entire time, for her mother to arrive. When he mother parked in front of them, he looked at Amy and said, "I don't want to see you after this."

Amy wailed and her mother apologized to him awkwardly before driving off. Sonic folded his papers and jogged the six miles back to the city, a bit past it to where his home was located. He greeted his siblings, Sonia and Manic, with a nod and locked himself in his room. It was only after he took a shower that he let out an exhausted sigh, the stress of actually going to school finally sinking in.

Most would say that Sonic didn't care about his education and would rather be anywhere but there, and they wouldn't be wrong— Sonic just didn't see any point in going every single day only to be completely tired and stressed. Technically, nothing really bad would happen if Sonic didn't go to school. He wanted to be free!

Sonic didn't want to be held down by society's rules. He just wanted to be free. It's why he loved running, it gave him a sense of freedom.

There wasn't any rules, a bit of danger, anything could happen but he was the one in control. He loved being the one in control. It was liberating for him. He loved it.

But Sonic also knew that if he didn't go his mother would be upset at him and everyone would make a big deal about it, meaning people would blame his mother and tell her horrible things. She wasn't a bad mother— she was just hardly ever around due to her responsibilities. She's a queen.

She's doesn't have time to be with her children all the time. She's working hard and busy doing her duties, it's why she let the siblings live alone in a big house near a city where they could be normal kids for a couple more years before they had to take up their own duties.

Sonic didn't want to be tied down to all that though. It was a mess of things, Sonic was stuck. He had no idea what the right decision was. What did he have to do to be free?

'Well,' Sonic sighed to himself, 'first, I gotta stop thinking about this.'

It was getting annoying, there were pros and cons to everything. It was now a guess of which one had the best benefits because Sonic wasn't that hopeful in getting his dream of freedom.

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