#48 The Gym

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About 40 minutes later

The mansion's gym2 (there are too gyms. Gym1
​​​​​ has the treadmills and kettlebells and that stuff and gym2 is that gym that you have in school) was filled with curious and anxious victims. There was a rumor that you were going to fight against the teachers but well... let's just say that about 90% of the rumors were bullshit.

There were even rumors that you were actually police...or a hitman...or a killer spying on the victims. You didn't really care because there were some people that didn't believe them. Like Michelle, Michael, the teachers, Jane, Sally, Helen, and Puppeteer...wow you had a lot of killer friends. Or were you friends with them? Who knows...

You noticed that Michael was shaking and trying to dry his sweaty hands to his jeans.

"Are you nervous?" you asked him. He snapped awake from his thoughts and looked at you hesitantly.

"Yes- I mean...No! I mean...uhhh...yes" he stuttered.

"Don't worry, brother. Everything will be okay" Michelle patted his shoulder and then turned to you.

"What do you think we will be doing?" she asked.

"Maybe we'll be training in some extreme surviving." You guessed.

"Okay all eyes on me!" Masky shouted gaining your attention. The victims hold their breath as they waited for him to continue.

"I hope you all have slept well because this is going to be a rough day. Me and Hoodie will spend the next 10 hours to teach you some self-defense and fighting. When the moon rises we will go outside to a fighting place and you will fight against each other until someone dies. Any questions?" he asked calmly.

"Yes! Do you think I wouldn't have any questions?! You want us to fight to the death! How brutal is that!" Diana screamed and you hated to admit it but you agreed with her.

"No. Only one of you will fight to the death. I'm eager to see who it is..." Masky said with a slightly sadistic tone. Suddenly you felt Michael leaning his whole weight on you and it took you about five seconds to realize that he had fainted. Michelle helped you to put him down. You heard Diana and a few other victims laughing at him.

"Shut up! What would it feel like to laugh at your own weaknesses!?" You shouted at Diana and the others.

After Michael finally woke up, Masky and Hoodie split you into two groups. Hoodie taught self-defense to the other group and Masky taught fighting to the other group.

- - - hours 1-5 - - -

You were in the self-defense group with Michelle and Michael. Unfortunately, Diana was also in your group but you decided to ignore her and focus on learning.

"So...there are a few different ways of doing this but if someone grabs you from behind you can turn around a bit and hit their chin with your elbow. When their grip loosens you can turn around more and punch them in the face. Now try it with your partner but remember to be gentle. You need to be able to fight later" Hoodie explained.

First Michelle tried it with Micheal and then with you. You managed to do the move right and get free from her grip. After that, you watched as Diana tried to get free from her partner's grip but failed every time. It was very entertaining to watch.

After that Hoodie taught you to twist the attacker's hand, how to get free from a strangling attack, and how to use normal items to defend yourself. For example: put keys between your fingers and try to aim the hits to the attacker's eyes.

What move did you excel at?

You excelled pretty well with getting free from strangling attacks and twisting people's wrists till they drop their weapon.

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