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I walked up to Levi and Erwin's table, making so much noise as possible because the noises I was making was the only thing you could hear in here. Everyone was still shocked by what I did with Jean.

Argh! Great!

"You really need to stop being so.... you!" Said the only person in this room who wasn't uncomfortable with what I just did.

"And you need to stop being such a depressed little shit!" I said back, with a sweet smile.

He just ignored me and went back to drinking his tea.

Time Skip~

"Is this the best you can do? Not only are you going to get yourself killed but you also will get the whole team killed with the pathetic way you attacked the Titan dolls!" (Bruh, I forgot what their called! The stuff they train how they kill Titans on 🤦‍♀️)

I looked up at Levi who was glaring at me, while I was on my back sprawled on the grass exhausted with all these weird training shit he forced me to do.

The sun was behind him, so it made him look distractingly hot. Like ok, I get it you must be a fucking sculpture that was sculptured by God himself .

"Argh! You said I wasn't one of you! And also I don't wanna be with a bunch of weirdos that are gonna go off to kill or get killed by a bunch of giant-naked-people! Seriously,  dude chill!" I panted after saying all this.

He looked at me with anger in his eyes, and said "So you don't care that there were people who sacrificed themselves to help humanity by going out there! While you... just sit here and say all that crap about people who want to make the World a better place-"

"Ohmygosh!!!! Dudeeeee,  shut the fuck up already! The world? You know whats been happening in my world thats way worse? Huh? Coronavirus! Yeap, that bitch killed so many people around the world, also stopped people from travelling and going out! And we had to wear these fucking annoying masks that make it hard for you to breathe! And for some weird reason fucking Toilet paper started to fucking run out, like why the fuck would people starts stocking up on fucking ass wiping papers, when the people were dying not from an ass disease or a toilet paper virus! I do not get people at all!" I finished with a thoughtful look on my face.

I was genuinely thinking about it and it creeped me out too.

"What the fuck are you even talking about?"

I snapped out of my thoughts to see Levi still standing there and looking at me in a confused manner.

(Sorry, EVERYONE! I have been so fucking busy with work and well... life! That I haven't been updating lately 😭 I'm sorry and don't worry, I'll find time to update as soon as I get time!)

(Ps. This chapter was literal crap and I know it 🙄🤦‍♀️)

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