Chapter 5: Realising what happened

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Lucas' POV

We ran out of the house and sprinted behind the garage. ''Someone call Hopper,'' I whispered. Nancy nodded and crept toward the telephone box. She dialled Hopper's number.

Nancy's POV

I punched the digits into the phone. I placed it against my ear. It rang once. Then twice. Then Hopper suddenly picked up. ''Hello?'' he said in a gruff voice. ''Hi hop, it's Nancy, we need your help"! "Oh shit it's Mike and El isn't it?", Hopper asked. "As a matter of fact, yes!" "I'm coming right now don't worry Nancy". "Ok".

Hopper's POV

I ran out of the cabin, threw the car door open and jumped inside. The engine roared to life and I sped toward the Wheeler house. As I approached the house I saw the kids huddled behind a bush. "Alright kids, where are they?

''In the house I think,'' Nancy solemnly answered.

I carefully walked in; they were both unconscious.

"If they're unconscious, we'll be able to get the mindflayer out of them and avoid being attacked", Hop explained, lifting Mike and El's limp bodies off the floor.

"How?", Nancy asked.

"Sauna Test".

Ok guys, new chapter is now up and the next chapter is coming soon! Buckle up kids, it'll be a wild ride.

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