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To say Jeongguk was an innocent boy would be a little far from the truth.

He was just very awkward.

Being an 18 year old boy he knew a reasonable amount of things. He just wasn't exposed to extremely dirty things, but he knew the basics. As an only child with no neighbors the same age as him, he was often lonely and spent most of the time in his room playing games.

He had no friends.


To say Taehyung was an innocent boy would be very far from the truth.

Being a 19 year old he often spent his time doing very adult-like things. That ranged from clubbing to getting intimate with random people. He wasn't a whore though I promise, he didn't break hearts.

He was also an only child, but luckily he had a bunch of friends. His best friends were Taemin, Jimin, Hoseok and Jin. They were also very far from innocent.

Taehyung was very dirty minded, his thoughts were a little too far from pure.

So that's why when Taehyung moved into the street of the boy with innocent Bambi eyes, a small smirk planted itself on his face...

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