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New Boy

Jeongguk awoke to the sound of a moving truck.

He hopped out of his bed and made his way over to the window to see what the ruckus was about.

A family was unloading different sized boxes from a moving truck. It was a family of three, in which he suspected to be a mother, a father, and a son. The son looked around Jeongguk's age, he had silver-ish hair and a red and blue striped collar shirt.

Jeongguk gasped with hope, excited that he could maybe make a friend. He wasn't the best at socializing. In fact- he was very socially akward. That didn't stop him from trying, though.

Jeongguk wasted no time, heading downstairs to tell his parents about his new discovery.

His parents were sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee in each of their hands. His mother was watching some morning cooking show while his dad had his face in some daily newspaper.

"Mom! Dad!" Jeongguk ran in front if the screen excitedly, making the couple groan. "You will never guess what I just saw!"

"I'd rather not ," his father rolled his eyes, reverting his eyes back to his newspaper.

Jeongguk's mother shot her husband a glare, "Don't ruin his excitement honey!"

"We have new neighbors! And it looks like they have a son my age!" Jeongguk was jumping up and down like a puppy albeit his parents looking at him with faces very much expressionless.

"That's nice, go have fun kiddo," His dad said, earning a slap from his mom.

"Stop trying to shoo him off honey-! Anyways, why don't you go over there? Maybe help them with some boxes and make friends with him? I know you've always wanted a close friend."

Jeongguk nodded, excitedly. He wasn't much of a socializer and this was finally his chance to test his socializing skills out, and make a friend. He didn't have many of those.

"Oh- and sweetheart can you water the flowers before you head over there? Your father isn't very good at keeping up with these things," His mom shot her husband a second glare, making the latter roll his eyes and revert them back to his paper.

"Sure Mom!"

The excited boy quickly disappeared into the kitchen, grabbing a the small blue watering can from under the kitchen sink. He slipped out the door, ready to meet his new neighbors.

As soon as he walked outside, he pulled out his watering can turned his attention to the newcomers. He was right. There was a boy his age.

The boy had platinum hair, the color matched his eyes. His skin was slightly tanner than Jeongguks. He had a tiny waist and and a bit of a curve in his hips. His legs were long but toned, complimenting his breathtaking figure. As for clothes, the boy wore a blue and red striped collared long-sleeve shirt that draped over his body. For bottoms he had on a pair of tight black shorts, underneath were fishnet stockings. Jeongguk gulped.


His mind must've filtered out everything because he suddenly felt water spill onto his shoes. He snapped out of his thoughts and tilted the watering can back into the plants. Jeongguk continued staring, blushing deeply at the new boy's appearance. He wasn't sure if he was even watering the plants at this point, maybe he was maybe he wasn't, he didn't know.

All he knew is that he was blinded by the beauty in front of him.

Jeongguk started to panic when he saw the silver boy start to turn in his direction. He must've felt Jeongguk's imprinting stare. The said boy panicked, quickly directing his gaze to the water desperate plants in front of him.

He nipped at his bottom lip nervously, hoping the boy didn't catch him staring. He briefly looked up to check, catching a glimpse of the new boy's expression.

He was...


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