Backstory Time!

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A/N: All the images I use I find on the internet! And there will be no bad profanity. In the story or chat/comments. That's my one rule. Anyway, hope you like whatever this is!<3(Ps, this scene takes place after Peter is abducted. I'm not going to write that scene because you all should know what happens. Also, you're not in that scene and I wanted to jump straight into your story!)

I've lived here all of my five years of life, and it sucks.

That's pretty much the only thought in my head as I lay staring at the ceiling, trying to sleep. I sigh, knowing I'm never ACTUALLY going to be able to sleep, thanks to those stupid bullies. I pull myself out of the small cot I sleep on, the only thing that ever gave me comfort through my short, terrifying life, and walk over to the only window in the whole orphanage. I gaze out the window, and tuck a stray strand of (y/hc) hair out of my eyes. I gaze up at the stars, and wish I was among them. Anywhere beats here. The orphanage that I'm never going to leave, on this planet that I can't stand. Earth.

After a while of continuing to stare out the window, a voice explodes from behind me.

"Well, look who it is. What are you doing up, (Y/N), or should a say, Hecate? Get it?! Because she's the goddess of black magic, and you're-"

"A witch. You don't have to remind me. I know I'm weird and don't fit in, but that doesn't make me a witch."

"Are you sure you're not a witch? 'Cause I overheard that nanny you loved so much talking about some kind of "extreme powers" before she died."


"Well, it looks like Hecate has claws," Carl, my bully and everlasting tormentor,  steps closer, pinning me against the window sill, "but can she use them to defend herself?"

Suddenly, all I can feel is anger. It surges through me. How dare he. How dare he bring up Aunt Kari, who died of old age before she could explain why I'm an outcast. How dare he call me a witch. How dare he bully me like this. How dare he, how dare he, how dare he. My hands grow warm, then red hot. My vision becomes tinted red.

"(Y-Y/N)? Why are your eyes red? What's going on?" Carl questions frantically.

Then, I blank.

A moment later, I snap back. Everything is in flames. The orphanage is burning. I run. Out of pure fear, I snatch up the teddy bear, the only thing to ever belong to me, and run out of the orphanage. I enter the woods and keep running. Only when realization hits me do I stop. I did that. I just burnt down the orphanage.

I lean back against the tree, holding my bear to my chest and cry.

I don't notice the Ravager ship looming over me. That is, until I'm in said ship.

I glance up to see a blue man standing over me. He turns to another man standing behind him.

"This her, Kraglin? This is the girl Ego wants? Quill's sister?"

I have a brother?!?!? And who's Ego?!?!?

"Yeah, that's her alright. She's got the (y/hc) hair, the (y/ec) eyes, the fire powers, everything," the aforementioned Kraglin answers.

The blue man turns towards me. "Ain't you a pretty one? Well, we sure as heck ain't gonna let Ego get ya. Come here. I'll introduce ya to your brother."

Once again, WHO'S EGO?!?!?!

Cautiously, I step forwards, curiosity getting the better of me. The blue man takes my hand. "I'm Yondu, and this here's Kraglin. What's your name, little one?"

I remain silent.

"C'mon, we won't bite," Yondu (tries to) reassures me, "yet."

This time, I answer. "(Y/N). My name's (Y/N)."

Yondu smiles a little. "Nice name, kid. Care to add "Quill" to the end of it?"

I give him a blank stare. "What do you mean?"

He smiles again, and I decide I like Yondu when he smiles. "You'll see." He raps on a nearby door. "Hey Pete, you in there?"

A pause, then a male voice answers.

"Yeah, why?"

Yondu continues to shout through the door, "Remember when I picked you up to help with theivin'?"

The voice continues it's answering pattern.

"Yeah, why?"

Yondu winks at me. "Well, you're gettin' a little big, so I thought it wouldn't hurt to pick up another little one to help us. Come out and say hello to your new sister (Y/N)."

A human teenage boy opens the door and drops his gaze to meet mine. At first, he's glaring, but when he sees me, his expression softens.

"Welcome to the Quill fam, kid. I'm Peter, but you can call me Star-Lord. We're gonna have so much fun pranking Yondu together!"

Yondu shoots Peter a glare.

"I'm just kidding!" Peter laughs, before sending a not-at-all-subtle wink my way. "Well, come on in, (Y/N)!" He gestures to his room, and I enter. Peter follows, and shuts the door behind us. He flops down on the only visible bed. "You can share my room if you want. That bench pulls out into a bed." Peter gestures to a seat next to a giant window, and I know immediately that I'll be spending a lot of time there.

"Yes, please! I mean, if that's alright with you."

"'Course it is! Otherwise I wouldn't be asking! Go on, treat yourself!"

After Peter and I pull out my bed, and we chill in silence for a while, he starts up another conversation.

"So, what's your outlaw name?"

"My what?"

"You know, the name you want everyone to call you. Mine's Star-Lord."

"I don't know. How do you choose an outlaw name?"

"I'll let you in on a secret. I took mine from my mom. She used to call me Star-Lord. Is there anything someone used to call you, that you'd like to remember?"


"What is it?"


"Care to tell me why?"

"Sure. It's something someone used to tease me with, so I want to use it as a name that'll be famous one day."

"Sort of like Yankee Doodle."


We've been siblings ever since.

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