Love is strange

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Meanwhile at the castle of the crystal*

Malikai is in bandages that Shadow beat him up, he's really angry*

Zanobia- Man, that hedgehog got you good!

Malikai: Grrrr, if I ever see him again, I'm going to go savage, and rip him limb by limb!

Pentol- Not if he does first.

Malikai: Do you remember last time when I went savage?

Pentol- Over a remote? Yes.

SkekAyuk came in feeling sad*

Zanobia- SkekAyuk what's wrong?

SkekAyuk: I still haven't found love.

Zanobia- Don't worry , SkekAyuk. You will.

SkekAyuk: I hope I found my true love one day.

At the forest, Raymesis is nervous as he heard the crows cawing*

Raymesis: Okay calm down, think happy. *as there was an evil shadow behind him* Ah! Don't eat me!

Imp giggles*

Then the imp reveals himself and chitters.

Raymesis looks: Huh? Who are you?

Imp chitters his name and gestures his appearance.

Raymesis: Look I don't have time, I'm on a serious mission, I need to find the sugar plum fairy and you're distracting me.

Imp chitters and gestures that he knows the sugar plum fairy.

Raymesis: You know where she is?

Imp nodded with a smile and gestured him to follow him before he scampers off.

Raymesis follows him*

Back at Toon patrol hq*

Samartha: You know Charming is not giving up until he wins your heart.

Savy: Fat chance.

Lexy- Yep. What she said.

Savy: *sigh* What about you Samartha? You need someone to love?

Samartha: I'm a bit flirtatious.

Lexy- (Skeptically) Since when have you been flirtatious?

Samartha: At the dance when I was 17.

Lexy- Bruh.

Vincent: Hey didn't you hear? The Mobious festival is tonight. (:>

Lexy- ( Smiles ) Cool!

Bimbette passes by Vincent and flirtatiously fluffs his face before giving him a wanton smile.

Savy: I guess going to the festival won't hurt.

Smarty- Sure , why not ?

Outside of the castle of the crystal, Raymesis followed Imp under the bridge*

Raymesis- Okay. We're almost there , right ?

Imp nodded yes, he points at a hole*

Raymesis- Okay.

Raymesis gets into the hole amd notices Imp isn't moving

Raymesis- Aren't you coming?

Imp squeaks no, he shows a scary face to know that Sugar plum fairy is scary*

Raymesis- She's that scary?

Imp nodded yes and pushed Raymesis*

Raymesis screams as he slides through and lands on the ground.

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