Sugar pie honey bunch

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????: Where's my potion? *as Malikai is on stage* I've been, mistreated. I've been abused... I've been trespassed and invaded. And I am not amused! *as the garthim drags the bag with Samartha in it* I've been insulted, disrespected! I've been mistreated.....!

Savy: Release my sister you evil ugly rat!

Loretta- Hey you watch your mouth, girly! He's not!

Malikai: Return the love potion by moon down tough girl, or you'll never see your sister again!

Savy: Oh yeah? I'll give you this! *as she punched him*

Malikai is angry and he's about to claw her*

Raymesis: Wait take me instead! I took the love potion!

Smarty- Raymesis?!

Malikai growls: Then give it to me!

Raymesis: A little Imp took it, but I assure you I'll get it back!

Malikai: You heard my terms by moon down or all of you will be next!

*sings* I've been insulted, disrespected! I've been mistreated....! *as he the garthim, Sleet, Dingo, the weaselings and their wives left with Samartha*

Savy: No! Sister!

Twilight- Oh! No!

Savy helps Twilight and Sunset get free from the collars*

Amy rose: Poor Princess Samartha!

Sonic- Aw yeah! Another adventure!

Prince Charming came out: Calm down folks, I'll be the one to save Princess Samartha.

Savy: Oh not you!

Smarty- I don't trust you one bit.

Prince Charming: Look I need an army Princess Twilight.

Savy: *looks at Raymesis* Raymesis, what were you thinking?!

Raymesis: I don't know.

Savy: I'm the only one who can rescue my sister.

Smarty- I'm going with you Sav.

Savy: No, you have to stay here and protect the others. Raymesis, you go get the potion back.

Smarty- Savy, think about this.

Savy: I'm a tough girl.

Sunset come towards Savy*

Savy- Yes Sunset?

Sunset: I'm coming with you.

Savy: Okay let's go. *as the two girls flew off*

Prince Charming: Looks like I have to rescue three Princesses.

Knuckles: Raymesis you nearly got us killed!

Sonic- Yeah that was kinda uncool, dude.

Smarty went after the two girls*

Raymesis: Okay, I know that I made a big mistake, but I need someone to help me get the love potion back. Who's with me?

A cricket was chirping*

Raymesis: Any volenteers? *as they back away except Vector who is confused* Vector! *hugs him* Thanks man!

Vector tries to back away with the other Mobians but they all backed away from him.

Vector- Aw, great!

Espip and Charmy snickered*

Vector- Espio, Charmy, you two are coming with me!

Espio and Charmy groaned.

Meanwhile on Scary Mountain....

Malikai- Bring me the hostage.

The garthim drops the bag.

Zanobia- A hostage? Really? That's just typical of us.

SkekSil: SkekAyuk, open the bag to see what we got.

SkekAyuk opens the bag and Samartha came out*

SkekAyuk: Hello miss.

Samartha looks at him: Sugar pie honey bunch.....

SkekAyuk & Malikai- What?

Samartha came to SkekAyuk: You know that I love you.... I can't help myself. I love you and nobody else.

Zanobia- (Sing song) Awkward.

SkekAyuk: Sorry I'm evil.

Samartha: Oh silly. *sings* Sugar pie honey bunch, you know that I love you... I can't help myself, I love you and nobody else!

Malikai was laughing of this: This is funny!

Tops: Awww, that's music to my ears.

Dingo: Shut if off! *as he covers his ears*

Then Jason covers Tatyana's ears.

Tatyana- Hey!

Samartha: When I call your name, boy it starts to flame, burning in my heart!

SkekAyuk: The potion! She's been love dusted!

Ludel: We should've taken Savy!

Fifi- (Sighs) But I love the sweet music, mon amour!

Malikai: Sleet, Dingo, take her to the cell!

Samartha: Sugar pie honey bunch, you know that I love you! *as she was taken to the cells*

Zanobia- Well, you enjoyed it while it lasted.

SkekAyuk: Malikai do something! Please!

Malikai: Bring me Sugar Plum!

Back with Savy and Sunset*

Savy: Here we are, the evil forest.

???- Savy!

Savy: Huh?

Then Smarty appears.

Sunset- Smart Guy?!

Savy: Smarty I thought I told you to wait with the others.

Smarty- You thought I was gonna leave you two alone ? Well , think again !

Savy: You want to help me out right handsome?

Smarty- Of course I do , gorgeous.

Savy: Okay. *holds him* Better hold on tight if you want to avoid the garthim.

Smarty- I'm not scared of any garthim.

Savy: Okay, let's go Sunset.

The two started flying in the evil forest as Savy held on to Smarty*

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