Chapter 4

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Mark had a scruffy outcast look. A beard was starting to form and he had huge bags under his eyes.

"You see Mark" Mark said to himself in the mirror. Mark believed his reflection was a different person, was a friend. "My plan is foolproof! Attack the turners on the way to Florida!" Mark laughed as he pulled out his tooth brush. "You see no one will expect it's me! Mark what kind of criminal name is mark" He laughed and then brushed his teeth.

Today was the day he was going to set up for his plan. Mark searched around the room until he found a pencil and paper. He then wrote down everything he'd need to get to complete his plan.

When he was done Mark walked back to the bathroom and looked in the mirror

"I'll be gone all day today and tomorrow. You'll be fine on your own right Mark?" Mark nodded and thought it was his reflection replying. "What I have to do? Is that what you asked?" Mark stared at his reflection waiting for an answer. "Alright that's what I thought you asked. First, I have to call work and say I got in a car accident. Second, I have to ruin the car and bring it into a shop. Third, I have to steal another car. Fourth, I have to get some duct tape. And then I have to steal those road spikes from the police and i'm all set!" Mark nodded at himself and then laughed. "Your such a jokester Mark, see you later"

Mark grabbed his bag and tooth brush. He put a glove on and opened the front door.

As he closed the door Mark waved goodbye to the dead motel owner lying all bloody and bruised on the bed staining the light blue comforter.


"Derek!" Mackenzie screamed, her face covered in blood.

"Mackenzie! I'm coming" Derek yelled but he seemed to be stuck. He couldn't move.

"Watch out!" Mackenzie screamed. Derek turned around and saw two lights coming toward him. His phone rang as he opened his eyes to see he was in the other lane with a truck speeding at him

"Shit!" Derek screamed waking up Jason. Jason yelled as Derek jerked the car to the right sending Jason slamming against the window. Then, to avoid slamming into another car, he slammed on the brakes sending him and Jason flying forward.

Derek frantically searched for his phone and found it sitting on his seat. He picked it up his thinking it was Mackenzie, but it turned out to be his mother


"Derek! Where are you!" She screamed into the phone, causing Derek to pull it away from his ear.

"On my way to Ohio-"

"What?! Derek! Jason's mother and I were worried sick! What the hells the matter with you! You leave a note?! And don't even think to call!"

"I'm sorry! But Mackenzie's in trouble" Derek glanced over at Jason to see him clutching his stomach in pain. "Mom I have to go" He quickly said.

"Derek! Don't you dare!-" But then Derek hung up the phone.

"Jason are you ok?" But Jason didn't answer, which worried Derek a lot. "Jason?!"Derek yelled. Jason took in a long, shaky, breath.

"Oh god it hurts" He gasped.

"What?" Derek felt like his mother because he started freaking out. He turned off the closest exit and parked in the grass. "Jason?" Jason sat back against the seat and moved both hands over his ribs cage.

Derek looked at his forehead. There was a huge cut and blood covered his face.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2012 ⏰

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