Chapter 2

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Derek's POV

Derek dropped his phone and felt his heart stop.

"What's wrong?" Jason, Derek's best friend, asked putting down his controller. Derek couldn't talk; the scream and cry of his precious Mackenzie broke his heart. Jason sat next to Derek and snapped his fingers in his face "Dude what's wrong?"

"Mackenzie fell asleep in the car. When she woke up her family was gone and blood was everywhere in the car. The last thing I heard was her cry out my name" Derek looked to Jason for help, and he responded by running over to Derek's computer. Jason started typing fast and Derek looked over at him.

"What are you doing?" Jason kept typing and turned around to look at Derek.

"Ok so you know that one summer I got grounded and my mom told you it was because I killed my hamster?" Derek just nodded as he continued "Well it was actually because I had hacked into my moms phone and checked her numbers, calls, and texts. My dad payed me to do it thou, because he thought she was cheating" Derek eyed his best friend oddly, he thought he knew everything about him but apparently not. "That last time she used her phone, which was about two minutes ago, was when she was in Ohio" Derek walked around his room thinking.

"She needs me, Can you print those out? Maybe some directions?" he asked going into his closet and pulling out a bag. Derek started to put in some clothes in it.

"Can I come?" Jason asked hoping over his bed.

"If you want but I'm leaving now" Derek ran downstairs and wrote a note to his mother. He knew she'd be mad but he didn't care at this point because his Mackenzie needed him. "Jason let's go!" He yelled as Jason came down with the bag.

"Can we stop at my house for something?" Derek didn't really want to but it was the least he could do for Jason. Derek got into his Range Rover and Jason sat in the passenger seat. They sat in silence as they pulled up to Jason's housTe. "Give me three minutes" Derek nodded as Jason scrambled inside. He closed his eyes and put his head back on the seat. Derek opened his eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek. He hadn't cried in a long time but just the thought of Mackenzie getting hurt broke his heart.

"I'm coming baby, I promise" he whispered

Hailey POV

Hailey stood there leaning against the counter smacking her gum with the latest seventeen magazine in her hands. She flipped through the pages until a man walked in the gas station.

The man was tall and well-built with a hood on, hiding his face. This guy made Hailey nervous, so she put down the magazine and watched him walk around the gas station. He walked up to the counter and threw down some duct tape and an energy drink. Hailey rung up the items quietly thinking he was here to kill her.

"The total is $7.84" She squeaked.

"What!" He shouted slamming his hand on the counter. Hailey took a small step back while the man went on about how expensive the price was. He got more and more angry the more he spoke about it. Charles walked in to take his shift when he saw the nervousness in Hailey's eyes.

"Is there a problem here?" He asked stepping behind the counter and in front of Hailey. The man threw down the money and stormed out of the station. "You ok?" Charles asked turning around to face Hailey. She had this weird feeling about the man.

"Yeah, I have to go though. I'm late for dinner"

"Sure take care" With that Hailey ran out of the gas station and to her car. She watched as the man sped off. Something came over Hailey and she felt that she had to follow him.

She didn't want to feel like a stalker but she started her car and was off.


sorry for the long wait but we just got together and we will be posting more often and it wont be like last time where you all waited two months for the next chapter by the waythanks for being patient and for all the awesome comments we really appericiate it :) well hope you liked it and im dedicating this chapter to brookieismyname because she created most of this story and idea of it shes a great writer and person so check out her profile and stories sometime :)

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