at around 5 I hear the doorbell ring and dad welcoming Kam into the house.
"hello Mr. Tomlin , I am here to pick Avvie up to show her the town" Kam said
"well, I'll go get her for you" dad told him before I heard knocking on my door, "avvie This Kamren guy says he is here to pick you up"
"k " i say "i'll be right out." i put the finishing touches on my hair and my make-up before walking out to meet Kam. "hey, You ready?" he asks.
"Yea let's go"i say.
when I get home after dinner and a ride around town, I undressed, took a shower, did my home work, and hopped into bed with a fleeting "nightie, night." when I was about to fall asleep I could hear wolves howling, what sounded to be, right outside my house. Then i fell asleep to dreams of Kamren and of Wolves.
sorry its so short i have terrible writers block.
well... comment, vote, fan! thanks for reading!
peace out little cookies :)

Shift (On Hold)
RomanceHi My name Avada Apeninne and In my senior year of High school I change into a wolf. Most girls get a new car or a room maker but I get the ability to change into a wolf. Lucky Me...