It's foggy when mom drops me off at my new school Falcon's Ridge High School. It's the middle of the school year right before Christmas break.
"bye mom!" I yell over the roar of all the engines around me.
"Bye" she yells back "what time does school end?"
"3 o'clock" I yell back.
I head in the direction of the office to get my schedule. when i walk in there is this really cute guy talking to the Secretary about winter sports try-outs. He has to die for clear blue eyes and dark boy band good looks with his dark brown hair windblown in his eyes. I think to myself snap out of it, just get your schedule and leave.
"uh ma'am can you find me my schedule, I just moved here from Texas" I interupt.
"yea sure I'll go get it right now" she replies and hopes up from her desk to go get that for me.
"Thanks so much" I tell her when she returns with my schedule. "you couldn't guess how many times I got lost on the way here."
"oh, trust me I can when I moved here it was just as bad then as it was now" she says
I look down at my schedule to see that I have first period math. oh goody i think looks like I get to prove to everyone how bad I am in the morning's.
"oh look there it is " i say when I look up to see myself right in front of my math class. I go in and take the only empty seat, next to a girl with blue hair in a pixie style cut.
"hey, I'm Madison" the girl says
"hey, I'm Avada, are the kids nice here? I just moved here and I want to be on my toes" i say
" yea they're pretty nice just don't get on their bad side. they can fierce." she says meanly as if thinking about when she got on their bad side. we couln't talk anymore after that because...
"now I want everyone to be silent. We have a new student in our class" she waves me forward "class, this is Avada Apeninne. She has moved here from the great state of Texas..."
oh dear, kill me now
I look into the faces of all my classmates, the girls narrowing their eyes and the guys raking their eyes up and down as if sizing me up.
Oh my, the cutie from the office is in my class! I silently scream inside. I mean i'm not usually the kind of girl to get flustered by guys but this boy did amazing things to me.
while I was having my rant in my head to stay calm, Mrs. Pennywether was still introducing me to the class.
"are their any questions for Miss Apeninne?" she asked the class
thankfully the class dosen't have any questions and I am allowed to sit back in my seat.
"what's the matter? you were blushing the whole time you were up there" madi asked
"It's nothing" I tell her
"it is so definitely not nothing, I know that look. You like someone!" she exclaims/whispers as mrs.Pennywether is teaching
"I'll tell you later" I respond "shh Mrs.Pennywether is teaching."
i hear a distinct "humph" sound come from a blue haired Pixie sitting to my right, but I ignore it and listen to Mrs.Pennwether.
the day continued in this manner the teacher's introducing me, me blushing because Mr. Cutie is in all my classes and then all the stares from all the student's in the room.
yes lunch, i can finally escape the toture
"yes, yes you can" Mady says with a laugh
"sorry, did I say that out loud?" I say
"well duh otherwise I couldn't have answered your comment" she gives me a "duh" look, then hops into the lunch line.
"you comin'" she asked
"nah I packed my lunch" i say " no lunch lady surprise for me"
"suit yourself" she hops into the line
I find a table and start to eat when I notice a shadow appear over my spot. oh my gosh here he is at my lunch table.
"I couldn't help but notice that your sitting all alone" he says "may I join you? oh my name's Kamren"
"sure if you want to, my friend Madison is in the lunch line." I say
"thanks, oh and I know madison she is a friend of mine" he says while setting down.
just that moment is the time that madi chose to appear.
"hey Kamren what are you doing here?" she asked while sitting down beside me
"I saw Avada sitting all alone over here and thought that i could fix that problem" he replies calmly
our lunch continued on with us just making small talk, while I tried to hide my flaming cheeks from his gaze. next thing I know it is the end of the day and I'm in the car with mom on the way home.

Shift (On Hold)
RomanceHi My name Avada Apeninne and In my senior year of High school I change into a wolf. Most girls get a new car or a room maker but I get the ability to change into a wolf. Lucky Me...