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"Jim." His voice was faint and there was worry in his eyes.

"Hey, stay with me Liz. You'll be fine." His breath was rushed, and worry covered his face. Or was it fear?" Spock, take her to med bay."

"Yes captain." Spock didn't hesitate as his arms came under your knees and shoulders picking you up and making his way to med bay in a hurried pace.

"My God man, what happened to her?!" Bones sounded pissed. "Put her on that biobed over there. Liz, can you hear me?" Your only answer was a pained moan.

"She's too weak doctor, she won't hold up for much longer."

"Well if you have a faster way of saving her, now's the time." Bones sure wasn't taking any shit, worry clear in his voice as he rushed around the place getting everything he needed.

Seconds later you felt a hand come up to your face, then the other one and from nowhere a wave of energy overtook you. The pain faded away and when you opened your eyes you could only see Spock leaning over you muttering something under his breath. You took a sharp breath and felt like waking up from a bad dream.

"Easy, take it easy, sugar." Bones was instantly by your side, tricorder in hand. "What on Earth did you do to her?!" He asks looking at Spock.

"Found a faster way, doctor." He sounded weak even if he tried to conceal it. "I better get back on the bridge. The captain may need my help." With that he left med bay, leaving a bemused Leonard standing by your bed.

You could hear a faint beeping sound coming from somewhere close. Bright lights made you raise a hand to shield your eyes and you let out a groan as a headache made itself present.

"Well, hello there." Jim's voice makes you turn your head in his direction. "How you doing?"

"Good I guess." You reply. "I'm still alive, so that's good."

"I'll let Bones know you're awake so he can check up on you." He says heading for the door.

You noticed you were no longer on the Enterprise, but most probably at Starfleet's HQ Medical facilities.

"God Liz, you scared the hell outta me." Bones says walking into the room. "Your concussion is getting better and your wounds are already healing." He explains while checking your vitals.

"Calm down Bones, you ain't getting rid of me ta easily." You say trying to cut off some of the seriousness of the situation. "I'm fine."

"In a pig's eye you are." You roll your eyes but regret it as soon as your head starts pounding again. "Now. What on Earth did that pointy-eared bastard do before?"

"It's called a mind meld, Len." He furrows his brows at you.

"Wait, weren't mind melds a euphemism for-"

"NO." You cut him off before he can finish the sentence and feel your cheek heat up. "Not in this case at least. God, Len."

"Well then what?"

"You know what the Vulcan Katra is?" He gives you a confused look. "Is what on Earth we would refer to as the Living Spirit. What he did while mind-melding with me was transferring part of his Katra's energy to me." You explain.

"He gave you part of his living spirit?"

"To put it plainly yes, doctor." Spock says from the door before you could answer.

"Spock." A weak smile pulls at your lips as he walks to stand by the bed. You frown when a strange angst feeling washes over you and Spock's expression softens before he speaks again.

"Doctor may I have a word?" Bones just nods and gives your hand a gentle squeeze before following Spock out of the room.

Somehow you managed to fall asleep yet the weird feeling you had wouldn't go away. Days passed and you were finally allowed to go home.

While making your way through Starfleet Academy's halls you saw Spock.

"Hey! Wait!" He stops and turns waiting so you could catch up with him. "We need to talk." To your surprise he didn't answer but gently grabbed you by the arm and made you follow him into an empty meeting room. "We- Why? Why'd you do that?" You ask.

"You would have died, Elizabeth." He replies.

"You don't know that." The words come out before you can stop them, and his expression softens.

Your vision becomes blurry as tears gather in your eyes while you try to keep talking.

"I- I can't." You whimper closing your eyes, a stray tear running down your cheek. "It's- It hurts... and I'm not strong enough. I can't take it." You continue, tears now freely running down your cheeks. "And I want it to stop." You add looking up at him, your voice barely a whisper.

"Beth..." He says softly, stepping closer to you as you close your eyes to stop the tears and close your hands into fists, your nails biting into the skin of your palms.

"Please don't." You plead quietly before taking a deep breath and looking up at him again. "I'm sorry for what happened, and I'm sorry for how everything ended and I'm sorry I couldn't do anything to prevent it. I- I'm sorry." You wipe the tears from your eyes and turn heading for the door.

"Ni'droi'ik nar-tor nuh'" He says, and you stop for what feels like an eternity even though just a few seconds, your hand on the pommel, before opening the door and leaving the room.

"Ambassador Sarek." You call walking his way.

"I am not my father." He speaks after turning around to face you.

You stop on your tracks as soon as you see who it is.

"Spock?" You ask puzzled.

"Elizabeth." He replies with a gentle smile.

"I... Don't know what to... say."

"What about what you feel?" His question takes you by surprise.

"I'm sorry?" You ask while joining him as he starts walking again and just smiles. "I never thought I'd hear you ask about emotions."

"Yet you carry part of his Katra within you." You look up at him as he stops. "He may not talk about emotions, but it's not every day that a Vulcan transfers part of their Katra's energy to save someone. He cares, Elizabeth."


"You must not see it as a burden, he did not intend to hurt you." He says and you let out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding back.

"In your... timeline, are we..."

"Friends? Yes. But nothing further than that." A gentle smile appears on his face.

"Father. "Spock's voice resonates in the cargo bay's immensity, mistaking him for the same person you did minutes earlier.

"Lau etwel yut tuhs va'ashiv, Beth." He smiles knowing that you'd understand his words.

"Lau etwel yut tuhs va'ashiv, Spock." You reply with a smile before he turns and walks towards his younger self.


Ni'droi'ik nar-tor nuh' -> I'm sorry too
Lau etwel yut tuhs va'ashiv -> May our paths cross again,

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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