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Arawn Pov:

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Arawn Pov:

Not long did my carriage finally arrived at Canterlot but as soon as the carriage stop I see two guards a little shaken at the appearance of the carriage which I find funny as I thought guards aren't supposed to be scared.

Sun Guard:

However I decided to change my appearance a little

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However I decided to change my appearance a little.


Smiling to myself I exited the carriage and walk up to the guards but before they could stop me I pass through them with ease shocking them

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Smiling to myself I exited the carriage and walk up to the guards but before they could stop me I pass through them with ease shocking them. However before they could shout I was already gone and arrived at the front of the throne room doors where I notice that two bat like ponies are standing there.

Lunar Guard:

The guard on the right look at me with smile which makes me realize that only the Sun guard will be a pain in my arse "they are waiting for you sir" the left guard said

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The guard on the right look at me with smile which makes me realize that only the Sun guard will be a pain in my arse "they are waiting for you sir" the left guard said. I nod and enter the room where I saw many nobles from Canterlot making dumb request. However the Sun guard look at me as they got on their attack stance which caught the attention of everyone minus the Lunar guards. "Don't know how you got in here creature but" a sun guard try to say but couldn't when I place a mute spell on his muzzle. Everyone look surprise including the princesses but I chuckle darkly which cause the sun guard and nobles to be frighten. "I suggest leaving before there a scene" I said to the nobles and sun guards. They immediately ran but once all the sun guards and nobles are gone the door closes behind me where I cast a barrier all over the throne room. After that I bow to the princesses "And that is how you perform" I said making the princesses giggle and the Lunar guard laugh a little. "What a performance" Luna said but after a realization I figure that she must had went to bed last night which is new for the night princess. "I guess you want to meet me earlier rather than at the night" I said. She blush a little but Celestia giggle at Luna blush however I notice that her giggle sound a little tired. "Anyway I'm want to apologize for causing any important meetings to stop but if not then I guest my performance is yours luck" I said. Both princesses giggle but they stop and sigh which caught my attention while the Lunar guards were silent. "It wasn't that important as it the same thing during Day court while Night court is more relaxed" Celestia said.

I frown "Don't you think that it pointless for the nobles with selfishness and greedy hearts to still be nobles?" I ask which Luna frown and look at her sister who look at the ground. "During my emotional state some royals decided to create laws that prevent their removal so it nearly impossible to strip them of their status" Celestia said. I growl a before I remember something. "Well what if I say there a way to make them reveal secrets that can lose their status?" I said gaining their attention. I explained my plan to them which surprised them both but after a few minutes of the them thinking they agree with my plan. However I sense some ponies trying to enter the throne room which I chuckle at their failure. "It seems your royal guards are trying everything they can to enter here yet they are failing so far" I said. Both princesses look at each other with concern but when they look at me they are confused at my smirk which I explain to them about my little prank. After they listen they both smirk and agree with the Lunar guards agreeing to be silent. I blend into the shadows right beside Luna as the princesses start to get comfortable on their thrones then once everyone is in place I drop the barrier.

As soon as I did the door slam open revealing a large group of guards on the other side but to my surprise I notice a few guards that is different. Leading the group is a mysterious pony with a zebra pony hybrid on his left and a large minotaur pony hybrid on his right. "Princesses! Where is the intruder that cause many sun guard and nobles running away from his brutal attack!?" the leading pony ask. "Okay that last part is a complete lie" I thought but Luna voice caught my attention. "Captain Spear I must say that last part is complete nonsense as they ran away in fear when our guest told them to leave when a sun guard try attacking him" Luna said with a hint of anger. "What" Spear ask confused about this information which Celestia explain how I was invited to stay for five days. After her explanation Spear sigh before telling his group to stand down which they did. After they stand down I make my appearance "I must say you guards sure trust the nobles words instantly" I said surprising the new comers. "So your the guest that be staying for five days?" Spear ask to which I reply "duh" earning a few laughs from a few guards while the princesses giggle softly. "Alright. Guards let return to our posts" Spear said to which him and the other guards left but once they are gone both myself, the princesses, and the Lunar guards laugh at how surprised the new comers reaction to my appearance. After a moment we all calm down before I saw the time "mm it seems that our chat must continue later" I said to which both princesses agree. However to my surprise Luna ask if she can guide me to the guest room which I agree seeing no issues with it which she make a cute "huzzah" softly before guiding me to the guest room.

Once we arrive I open the door to see a fantastic room with a window view of the sky which took my breath away but after I regain myself I smile at Luna who blush at my smile "the room is great!  So thanks" I said. She stutter before quickly run and close the door which I chuckle before switching my coat with shorts then got on the bed and allow sleep to take over.

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