The Insanity of Life

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~ Continuing Day 7

Your willing victim?
Pray tell how a thought came across me to be your "willing" victim.
If I had known.. My, my, if I had known. Well now I know, I know you and your demented brain.
Your sick and your love toxic.
I have been constantly asking you for permission of a life you didn't give a damn about, the life where I could've been a wife and a rifle to your heart. Constantly asking may I be the scared victim? May I tear away from fear? May I tear away the skin from your bones where you tore me away from future kin!
Your willing victim? My, my, how the tables have turned.
This time I'm the murderous freak and you the struggling Victim!
Me, as my own avenger, Me!
And you, the watching victim.

~ Author

Rio picks up her cheeseburger, "that lecture was very informational. I mean, how many people would think to turn off their WiFi signal so they would be able to have actual privacy," the American says, wearing black pants, with a purple tank top.

Taro in a blue button-up shirt, and jeans, watches Kuruba-chan bite into her cheeseburger, humming in delight. "Or the fact that you need to make sure your camera is fully disabled, and need to turn off their phone when they go to sleep, otherwise the Saiko cooperation takes photos of your house" the boy adds, picking at his salad.

Rio-san looks at Taro-kun's salad, "you sure you don't wanna order something else, like a burrito, hamburger, full pound steak?" The American states, the Yamada boy laughs, "I'm good, and really, all that meat is not healthy for you" he says. Kuruba-chan smiles, "neither is eating like a rabbit, you are missing out on proteins" she pointed out, "plus my burger is good" the girl says, going in to finish off her burger.

"I'm not eating like a rabbit, I'm just eating lettuce, tomato, carrot slices, mushroom.." Taro stops, "can I have some of your fries?" He asked, "mochiron" Kuruba says with a delightful smile, dumping her fries on his salad.

"After all, 1 of 5 people die from lack of nutrition," Kuruba-chan says, folding her hands together, Yamada-kun raises his hand for a waitress, "I would like a steak please!" The boy yells, Rio taking a fry and dipping it in mustard before eating it.

Kuruba-chan watches the waitress wink at the Yamada, Kuruba-chan rolls her eyes. "Kizana's throwing a party tomorrow, since she got a role in her first movie. You coming?" Rio questions, Taro scoffs, "Kizana?" Taro repeats, "I don't think so. We're kinda not talking" he says, remembering that time she had shown him a tattoo on her right breast, and had insisted he touch it.

"Plus, those rumors circling around her. I'm pretty sure creeps are gonna show up at that party," Taro states. The Senpai looking at the American's amused face, "of course, it's a party after all. Wouldn't be a party without 'em" she says, grabbing her milkshake. "Yeah, I heard she had a threesome with two jocks while having a guy take pictures of her face, but hey I'm not forcing you to go, but there's gonna be some cute girls there" Rio teases the boy.

Taro-kun moves aside the salad for the cooked steak to be sat down on the table. The Senpai had a small smile, "I'm not really thinking about girls right now. I'm more focused on my future in becoming a lawyer" Yamada-kun says, ready to cut into what Kuruba-chan would say, a juicy steak. Rio-san nods, another barrier to work through, just great, the American thinks.

"Taro," the voice of the orange tsundere girl calls. The American raises an arched brow at her, Taro looking qup to see his childhood best friend, Osana.

Najimi-chan shows a big and happy smile, so unlike her. The American observes her, she had her orange braided into two massive buns, an orange pullover, a pink crop top and white slip on shoes. She was dressing to impress the mister. Kuruba-chan made note that the tsundere was desperate for her best friend's attention.

Yamada-kun takes a bite of his steak, "oh, hi Osana. You look nice," he compliments, chewing his food. Osana-chan smiles, "who? Me? Nah, I just put this on," the tsundere says. Rio smirks, honestly that was a lie, but she would let the orange head continue. "Y'know Taro, most of your friends will be there, if y'know, anything happens to you, me, Budo and Ayano will be there for you" Kuruba-chan says, taking one of Taro's hands in hers and showing a smile.

Najimi-chan stares at the American's hand on top of her Senpai's. "Be where?" She demanded, back in her attitude in a quick snap. "Kizana's party," Taro states, taking another bite of his steak.

The tsundere straightens her posture, "I'll also be there and so will you" she says. Taro stops in mid-chew.


Kuruba-chan dials her partner, only having to wait a few seconds before he picks up. "Party at Kizana's, everybody's going, even Amai and your cousin's Senpai, it'd also be the perfect time to kill someone," the American says, her purple heels clapping on the concrete in professional struts.

"Well aren't you enthused, then again, that's why I befriended you." The male yandere chuckled darkly, flipping Amai's mint stocking in his hand.

Rio blows out a piece of her purple hair, "by the way, your cousin may be onto me" the American informs, looking both ways before crossing the street.

Yan-kun winks in a direction of the room, quiet giggling was the response he was given before he turned away. "I don't doubt it, my cousin is associating herself with an Info-san, they know a lot about everything and everybody, not even you are an exception" Yanagi states.

Kuruba-chan thinks back to when she was first at Odayaka's Bakery.

- Welcome to Japan, new girl.

Rio huffs a breath, "good to know" she says, now she had to look out for anyone who was sus. "Meet you at the house?" She inquired.

Yan-kun nods, "see you in a bit" he says.

Both killers hang up their phones.

The Aishi boy turns to the sweet baker who smiles shyly at him. "Gotta go?" Amai-chan asks, her hair a mess as she sliced a piece of catfish off to eat, the yandere smoothing her light brown hair, "yeah. Hey, wanna go to Kizana's party with me?"

Amai shrugs, "I don't know, she's kinda snooty" the baker says, Yanagi puts an arm around her waist, "we don't have to talk to her, we could just show up at her house and enjoy the party. Simple as that" he says, kissing the baker on the cheek.

Amai leans into the murderer, "ok."


Ayano sits on the sofa, her hands on her lap, sitting there with a professional gaze. The Aishi girl went over her information on what she knew about this situation. "When did you meet?" The yandere questioned.

Aishi-kun and Kuruba-chan share a glance with one another, "in person or online?" Ayano's itoko inquires. "First meet," the female yandere specifies, holding one of the couch pillows close to her.

Kuruba-chan was stirring a spoon in hot tea, "we met on the dark web. He was desperate for a friend, someone to share his newfound emotions with," the American says, sipping lightly on the sweetness of her tea. Aishi-kun smirks, "and she was desperate for someone to relate to, jumped to the roof when she heard I was Japanese," Yanagi states, popping his knuckles. Rio reframes from showing embarrassment, "Japan has always been a place I've wanted to visit, and when your cousin offered me such a position to come here, and rid the world of parasites. Why, I couldn't pass that up" the American states with a small smile. The two acquaintances glance at each other with a smile, "we've arranged where we stand, either of us withdraw from this agreement.." "Will be terminated," Yanagi finishes.

Ayano nods slowly, "so you're not gonna steal my Senpai?" The American crosses her legs, "no. I'm the trusty guard who barks at other meinus who walk by" she says with a smile. "Which reminds us, party at Kizana's, Taro is gonna be there, along with a very headstrong tsundere" she says, sipping more on her tea.

Ayano's face slithered with a sinister smile.

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