{Chapter 4}

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That was when the first red feather appeared. Normally, you wouldn't have even noticed it. The small feather had been caught in one of your cabinets. You'd grabbed it, studying it. You didn't know how it'd gotten there. There were no birds with that vibrant of feathers around your area. It seemed impossible. 

You'd brushed it off at first. It was just one small feather. Nothing to worry about. You continued your day as normal, going to work and hanging out with Aizawa afterward. When you went home, you found another feather. It was on your couch. You were confused. How did it get there? 

You brushed it off, leaving the feather where it was. You blocked it out of your mind, going to your room. It was only two red feathers. Nothing more. Not a single thing to worry about. Maybe the wind had flown them in or something. Yeah, that had to be it. The wind...

You changed into more comfortable clothes, laying down on your bed. It was silent for a while. No sound, just your breathing, and heartbeat. You daydreamed for a while until a thud snapped you out of your thoughts. You got up, going to investigate. There was another red feather, caught in the window. 

You grabbed it. Now that was suspicious. Where had it come from? You studied it for a moment. For some reason, it felt familiar. You couldn't quite place it. The shade of red, the shape. It struck some chord in your mind. Why did it seem so familiar? You made sure your window was closed. It was nothing.

You discarded the feather, sighing softly. You were fine. There was no danger. You laid back down, staring up at the ceiling. Everything would be fine. Why would you have to worry about feathers? Probably just from some exotic bird... at least, that's what you hoped it was. Besides, it was your only idea that made sense.

You calmed yourself down, spacing out. Everything was okay. Things were going well. You pushed it out of your mind. It was nothing to worry about, anyway. Just a few red feathers. You hummed to yourself, keeping your mind distracted. You decided you'd clean up around your apartment. 

Just small things, like doing the dishes and dusting. It was a good way to keep your mind off of things. You came across a picture from when you were younger. It was a photo of you with your parents. You didn't know why, but it made tears spring to your eyes. You smiled softly, dusting off the picture and placing it where it had been before. 

The sun slowly started to set, sending a burnt orange glow through your house. It was nice. You grabbed a blanket and curled up on your couch, burying yourself in its warmth. You turned on the television, although you weren't paying attention to it. The warmth was nice. It made you not feel so lonely. Aizawa was on patrol today, so he hadn't been able to talk very much. 

You buried yourself deeper into your blanket burrito. As the sun went down, you felt yourself get more and more tired. You slowly started to fall asleep. You were too lazy to go back and get into bed. Plus, the couch was comfy. You drifted off, falling asleep.

When you woke up, the television was off. There was another feather, too. It was on the coffee table, right in front of you. That unsettled you. A lot. You got up, grabbing the feather. Your hands were shaking slightly. It was only four feathers. Still, it messed with you. You walked over to the window, dropping the feather out and letting it fall. You wanted it gone.

You closed your window, going back to your room. No feathers in there, luckily. You sighed softly, looking at the time. It was early. Really early. You grabbed a towel, heading to the bathroom. A shower would get this off your mind. You turned on the water, letting it heat up as you quickly undressed. 

The water was a little too hot when you stepped in, so you had to turn it down. The warm water ran across your skin, instantly melting your troubles away. You washed yourself off, watching the soap suds go down the drain. You stayed in the shower for a little while longer. The warm water was nice. It let you forget everything. You didn't have to worry about a thing. 

After another few minutes, you got out. You dried yourself off, changing into something comfortable. You didn't have work today, anyway. That was good. You didn't want to come home to more feathers. As a matter of fact, you didn't want to think about feathers at all. Just the thought of them sent a shiver down your spine. 

You grabbed your phone, deciding you'd just lounge around for the day. You didn't need to go out. You were happy at home. After an hour or two, you were bored. You stared at your ceiling for a bit, feeling yourself start to drift off again. It was still early, so you could get another hour or so of sleep. Besides, it wasn't like you were doing anything that day. 

You got into bed, burying yourself in the blankets. It took you a while to get comfortable. You nuzzled into your pillow, pulling your blankets up to block the light. It was too stupidly bright. It was still so early. It was dumb. You turned the other way, so the light wouldn't be in your face. After that, you drifted off peacefully. 

"Soon. Soon, you'll be mine.
I'll feel your soft skin against me.
Your gaze on me. That gaze that I find to be so divine.
I reassure you, love, that all will be okay in due time.
No one will be able to take you from me.
And you'll come with me... willingly."

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