Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

(6:45 am)

Lisa POV

"Ah what a horrible dream I can't believe they would bully such of a nice girl for their hair color hopefully Katy is up or maybe she isn't after all she's always beating me to school."

I go to the bathroom and took a 15-minute shower playing music in the shower as usually but there is some random knocking on the door.

"Who is it??"

Katy: "ME KATY"

"Huh why is Katy knocking on the door while I'm taking a nice shower *sigh*

"What is it Katy"

Katy: Uh I- Uhh trying to- I mean I need the bathroom!

"KATY REALLY THE BATHROOM *Sigh* I mean she is a girl after all it's not like it's some guy trying to break in and see me naked."

"Fine Katy come in."

I open the door for her, she got inside so fast that I didn't even see her.

"Wow you must have been holding it until now right?"

Katy answered "Uh yes" in an embarrassed voice like she was really embarrassed

"Katy it's fine no need to be embarrassed we're girls no need to feel that way."

"I started using the shampoo that Katy gave me during Thanksgiving my hair really grew a lot since she gave it to me."

"Weird wondering why Katy isn't saying any she didn't open the door yet. Don't tell me she still on the toilet the feeling of thinking that made me laugh."

I open the shower curtains there was Katy on the ground waiting for me to get off the shower."

"Uh Katy why are you still here?"

Katy: "I'm lonely I really don't waant to hang out with your brother he is a big meanie.!"

"Fine it's okay you can stay in here but don't make any type of noise that would bother me got that."


I'm almost done just got to get the bodywa-

"Where is the body wash at!"

Katy: "It's right here next to me."

"Bring it to me."

Katy opens the shower curtains she saw Lisa naked body her eyes was wide open looking at Lisa skinny body how she blush very hard.

"Uh Katy your face is red but are you going to GIVE ME THE BATH WASH?"

Katy snapped out of it she gave her the body wash

Katy:" Oops sorry it just your body is great you know small chest can really show your personality."


Katy laughs and close the curtains...

Finally, the bath wash I put the bath wash all over my body. Starting to wash my body wow it really smells good but wondering what kind of reaction was Katy doing after seeing my body.

Katy is strange what if she likes me or something if it is maybe one day I will ask her.

I got out of the shower.

Katy turns around she looks at me her face went red so fast that sometimes I really didn't notice it.

"What are you waiting for Katy let's go back to the room!"

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