Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

7:45 pm

Everyone got released but not Truss, she is the only one that got arrested for killing Lois. There were some students talking about how crazy Truss is at school. Katy and Lisa walked to a different direction from the other students.

Katy looks away when her long hair is tied up in a ponytail. She is still wearing her school uniform since we stayed at the police station for over 2 hours. It's really stressful, I say to myself.

Katy stopped in front of Lisa's house and said "Can I stay over just having some problems for my aunt."

I looked at Katy in a shocked way, never seen her act like this or do something like this, maybe she is just scared of getting killed. The last time she came over because her dad threatened to harm her any police officer broke into her house to arrest him. That must have been scary for her, so I let her live with us.

Lisa:" You can live with us, we don't have many things in the house, but we can help you if you need help or anything like that."

Katy smiled and went inside the house.

Kaito looked back and saw Katy walking in with a huge smile on her face. He walks up to Lisa wondering where she was.

Kaito: "Do you want to explain where you were at for the past hours? The feeling of worry in my heart was rising. You are too young to run in the streets."

Lisa:" I was in the police station with my class. Someone killed Louis in my school. Leave me alone Lisa grabbed Katy, and she took her up to her room."

Kaito got mad and hit the wall to calm down the anger he had.

8:00 pm

Katy looks around Lisa's room. She saw the bow that she gave her last Thanksgiving. It was torn up like someone used a knife. Katy got very mad after she saw the bow that she gave Lisa looking like that she was really upset at her brother doing these things to her.

Lisa: "That's what happened to the bow. I'm really sorry there was no way I could have stopped him from doing that. He was too strong for me."

Katy:" It's fine, it's not your fault, don't worry about it, his death will soon come."

Lisa wondered what she meant about the last thing she said to her, but she didn't care about it.

Katy got a Wii u she turns it on

Lisa:" Wow it looks so pretty like you just got the Wii U today did you?"

Katy didn't answer like because of the thoughts got in the way of that so many thoughts of her getting rid of Lisa brother is flowing through her mind sending her to almost go crazy.

Lisa looked at Katy with a worried expression saying "HEY HEY KATY ARE YOU OKAY!"

Katy didn't answer but walk into another room not able to hear Lisa voice.

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