mickey : where walt isnye
gofy : idk hes not here
mikcye : oki
golf : oki
mikyce turn on the news
mickey gaps
news : walt isney bBIG BIG BAD he be pedopphiles young peeps
mickey: how der he
ophone: ringgrinignirinrginringrnirgnigrnigrninigrnigrniginrngrignignirnriggnirinrinrinrgnigni
mikcy : shut th efuock up phon
phone : nah m9'
mkcikey slams his phon
mickey: ye
gofl : ye
mickye go home because boss not htere
miny : yo m8 hows work
mickey : very good OwO
Minnie : UwU
mickye : i her walp pisney is arresye
minie : o no not that biich
micy : wut
minnnie tried to murder mickey but mickey is such an epic gamer that he 360 no scope and ran away
micike : fuck thsi shit im out
Minnie : damn I should train my aim
mickey ran away to a gas station luckaly bill gates was there to help mickey
bill gate : ooo y u run away fomr home u rich
miky : Minnie murder me but me epic gamer
bill get : ye
bill get an micky raise enough money to get walp pisney back
and the live happily ever after
or did they?