The Return

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We all know how Jason died came back to life by now so I'm just gonna skip that part (ps lazarus pit)

We all know how Jason died came back to life by now so I'm just gonna skip that part (ps lazarus pit)

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Lazarus Pit


Jason's POV

When I was saved from the Lazarus pit, it drove me mad, I jumped of the cliff, I survived and try to recall as much as possible I spend years to come back to "normal"
Now I have returned to Gotham city
(*round of applause*, thunder in the background lol, sorry I just imagine this scene to be so dramatic)
When I came back I got news of the Joker, I was furious why didn't Bruce kill him!?
The madman who killed his son!
He's still alive committing more crimes. I feel my breathing got quicker and quicker when I feel like I'm out of breathe I fell to the ground unconscious. Thank god I was in my apartment I forgave Bruce for not being able to save me, but I feel betrayed he didn't kill the man who sent his son to his death. All terrible thoughts echo in my head driving mad, I can't live a peaceful life if I hadn't kill that madman
*skip to the scene where Jason fight with Bruce but this time pretend the Joker died after the explosion*

Bruce POV
I came back home that day, happy that Jason is alive, but disappointed in myself when I know its my fault he is like that, his choice of path was my fault. I couldn't tell Dick yet, it would be too much for him to handle its better of this way, better than to be sorry in the end, Dick is a mess right now I'II tell him one day, when he's ready....
When I'M ready...

No one's POV
(I know I'm the CEO of time skipping)
_______________(-_-) ___________________

"Good morning young sir" said Alfred clearing his throat
Looking at Dick who is standing in the kitchen with a big bowl of cereal in his hand a spoon in another and milk all over is lips. Dick wipe the milk off with his hands and he glup and said
"Mornin Alfie?... Hehe... Oops"
Alfred sigh and walk into the kitchen Dick step back to finish his cereal and put it in the sink for Alfred to wash it
"Master Richard, I believe it is time for you to eat a proper breakfast, not just some flour, sugar and milk" I lift one of his brow while washing the dish.
"I know, I know Alfie but it's just too hard to quit!, you wouldn't understand ~" Dick pout
"what part of NO do you not understand dear sir?"
"hmph!" think left stomping out of the Kitchen
Which makes Alfred Chuckle
"Sassy King is back I suppose" Dick mumble as he grab his bag and left for school
Bruce finally come down for breakfast after Dick have left.
He sat quietly he felt like he did something wrong.
"DRAKE!" a shout came from upstairs
"sigh, there we go again everymorning" Bruce rolls his eye
Then there was the sound they never heard before or at least the sound they never want to hear in this household. Bruce quickly ran upstairs Alfred followed close behind.
When they got upstairs there it was in front of Tim's room, Damain holding his Kanata threatening to rip Tim into pieces. In front of the door was Kon fighting to get Damain away from Tim and forgot he wasn't wearing his shirt. Bruce turned to look at his son clinging onto Kon with only his boxers on and Kon's shirt which cover till his lower thigh like a short dress.
Bruce cut in "Find out what?" they all froze and turn to look at Bruce who already have his arms cross death glare at Kon making him shiver a little
"Damn Tim your dad is scary" Kon whisper to Tim who is behind his back hugging him so tightly holding on for dear life. "you hadn't seen the worst yet" he said poking his head from behind Kon, to see Bruce Cross eyes angry AF rn.
"so, Tim. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?" Bruce said his eyes lock at Kon. Sweat falls on Kon's brows.
"Living room. Now. All of you" Bruce said in a stern voice

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