Big Brother Knows Best

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*At Dicks High school*
*ring ring ring*

Dick POV

Sorry Luke gotta get this, I then walk outside in the hall way I lean in front of my locker, I look down at my phone which is still ringing, Tati? (Bruce contact name in Dicks phone)
Why would Bruce call me right now, it must be an emergency, I pick up the call "Hello?, yes this is Dick" (Bruce start explaining) "TIM DID WHAT!?"
Every single kid in the hall way turn their head ti face me, I didn't care I ran as fast as I could got on my motorbike, drove like it was the end of the world and a flock of hungry zombies are after my brain.

*At the Manor*
No one's POV
*In the living room*

Bruce is sitting alone on a wide sofa which could litterlly fit the whole family all it once cross arms still hadn't taken his eyes off Kon, Clark standing in front of him in a full on suit, looking at Kon signing, there's nothing more scary than an angry bat.
"WHO HURT MY LITTLE BIRDIE!!!?" Dick came slamming the door, it almost breaks down. Damain who is sitting on the ground in front of the fire place cleaning his Kanata, pointed at Kon without even lifting his eyes off of what he was doing. "YOU!" Dick shout and start walking towards Kon pointing his finger (I hope I don't need to explain how angry Dick is rn)
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER YOU ALIEN FREAK!". Kon was almost impressed first he was Dicks partner now he is an Alien AND a freak. While Dick is screaming Bruce stop him "Dick wait not yet, if you kill him now what's the point?" grin Bruce
Dick stop, inhale and sat down next to Bruce arm cross, you what they almost look like twins. "Kon?,​ do you want to explain?" Clark *face palm*
Kon look at Tim, his omega is terrified even if he didn't want to talk he have to or else it would be Tim. "Well you see,...... We started dating a while ago"
Said Kon. "Since when?" asked Clark
"Tw-two... Years ago..." said Tim his voice shaky. "WHAT!!?" shouted litterlly everyone except for the love bird. "Tim. Two years... And you hadn't told me?.. *sniff*" Dick fake wiping tears, Tim rolls his eye and thought "Here we go again 🙄"
"*Sniff* Don't you love your brother, *sniff* how could you Tim, you know could tell me anything" Dick just being a drama queen. Both Bruce and Clark sign they turn to look at each other and smile "We accept" said Clark. "WHAT!?" the Loudest most dramatic what ever heard from Dick, Tim, Kon and Damain, oh and Alfredo! "Master Bruce, I never thought you would be so considerate" fake tear wiping with a new, clean white napkin especially made for Alfred in these occasions. "Thx, Bruce" Tim smile and ran to hug Bruce, Kon when to Clark they laughed and hug, and Dick.... Well....
"No no no no, wait a SEC, Ahem... WHAT!?, Timmy is still so young so know what this Alien will do to him!, wait... GASP WHAT IF HE GETS PREGNANT!!?" Dick scream. "Sigh, I'm sure he'll be fine son, Tim is not a baby anymore he knows what's wrong and what's right, and I'm pretty the person we are supposed to be worrying about is You son, just try not to get anyone pregnant" Bruce chuckle. "Pfft". "Tim! I heard that! What was the" pfft" for huh?, I'm still your brother do you not love me anymore? " Dick puppy eyes are just so innocent.... Tim did his best to avoid eye contact. After a while Dick gave in." fine! But I have my eyes on YOU Kon! Hmph! " He then stuff the cookie Alfred freshly made in his mouth." yeah yeah Big brother knows best anyway" Tim laugh at how childish his big brother is. "Don't use the Disney reference in moments like THIS Timothy!" he stuff more cookies in his mouth
Everyone laugh it off in the end of the day. Well everyone except Dick.

How many ships do you spot through out the whole chapter? 🤔
Will this book be chill and happy like this all the way through?
Will Jason meet the fam again?
Where is he right now?

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