Chapter 13

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Regina's POV:
Everything was back to normal. While as normal has it could be. Robin was home about a week after he woke up. He heals pretty fast. Anyway, it is the middle of August and I am 3 and a half months pregnant. Which also means school is coming. I am going to school in person, but have decided that ones I get close to my due date I would do online. And the school was ok with that. At first I didn't really want to go to school but then again I didn't want to do online all school year because that would not be fun at all.

Right now all of us are at the airport saying goodbye to August because he has to move to England. None of us like the idea of him moving away but we had no choice. After all that we went to Granny's to get food to take to the park considering it was a good day to have a picnic.

"How's pregnancy life treating you?" Ruby asked.

"It is ok so far besides the morning sickens. And the weird cravings." I say.

"I just can't wait to be an auntie I am so ready. That child no matter the child is getting spoiled my David and I." M&M said.

"Well, I am going to spoil it too." Emma states.

"Emma? When are you going to tell Killian how you feel about him?" I asked as we watched them play football with a few other kids.

"I don't know. I mean he broke up with Milah after the whole Marian thing." She said.

"What happened with Marian anyway." M&M asked.

"She is in custody till court." I say.

After everything the cops found out that Marian and Graham were the ones to stab Robin. Graham confessed after finding out I was pregnant. He felt bad that he almost took a father away from their child. So he is getting charged with helping Marian. And if Marian is guilty she is getting charged with attempted murder. The guys were done playing football when they started walking towards us.

"You guys hungry now?" I ask.

"Yes" they say in unison.

We ate the food we got from Granny's. We all stayed at the park for a little longer when we all wanted to go home. I was a little scared for Robin to go home because this would be the first time he walked back home by himself sense the incident.

"Hey I will be ok. Ok?" He said once we get to my house.

"I know but that doesn't stop me from being worried. Robin I'm pregnant and I can't lose you not now, not ever." I say with tears.

"I know. And I can't lose you either Regina. If it make you feel any better I will text you every 5 minutes so you know I am ok." He said.

"Kissy promise?" I asked

"Kissy promise," he said giving me a kiss on my lips then on my noise making me scrunch it up.

"Now that was adorable," he said with a chuckle.

"Ok go, and text me every 5 minutes till you get home," I say pushing him away. He kisses me really quickly before walking away.

I walk into my house, and walk into the living room to see my parents and Henry watching tv. They look at me as I sat down in the love seat. And looked at my phone.

"You ok sweetheart?" My mom asked.

"Yes, just a little scared and worried that all" I say.

"That is understandable" my mom said.

We continue watching tv and like Robin promised he texted me every 5 minutes till he got home. Which I was thankful for.

"He made it home?" Daddy asked.

"Yes he did. Safe and sound." I said with a smile.

"That is good" my mom said. "Anyway, what do you guys want for dinner?" She asked.

"Pizza!" Henry and I both said kinda loudly.

"Ok then pizza it is," mother said with a chuckle.

Mother goes and orders pizza for us, as Henry and I look for something to watch. We agreed on F.R.I.E.N.D.S, Henry and I's favorite show. We would always watch it together. After a few episodes and pizza in our stomach I started to get tired. I look at the time at it was 8:07pm.

"I am going to get ready for bed then go to sleep." I said.

"Goodnight" they said.

When I got upstairs I took a shower and did my night routine. By the time I was done it was 9:13pm. Gosh I am so tired after today.

Bubba: Goodnight princess. I love you❤️
Me: Goodnight I love you too Bubba 😘

After the text from Robin I put my phone on the charger, got in bed and was asleep within 2.5 seconds of getting comfortable.

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