Chapter 23

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Robins POV:
It has been maybe 10 minutes but is feels like 2 hours. I just keep pacing in front of the door, waiting. I look up and see Cora coming down the hall.

"How are they?" I asked.

"They are both ok. Doctors say they can be discharged soon."  She responded.

"That's good to hear," I state.

"What is going one with Regina?" She asked in a worried voice.

"She coded," I whispered.


"She said that her head was hurting and then she closed her eyes and her heart monitored started to flat line." I said looking at her.

We stood there in Silence because we didn't know what else to do. Regina was coding, my daughter is in the NICU. I might lose two people that I love. But I can't not right now not ever in my life. We heard the door open and seen her doctors come out. Please tell me she is ok.

"There was a brain blood. But luckily we had everything we needed to, to help her in the room. Otherwise is probably would've been a different story but she is going to be ok now." She said. thank god she is ok.

"Thank you doctor," Cora said shaking her hand.

"Just doing my job, saving lives," she said with a smile. "Your daughter has just start her life, I don't want it to end when it just began," she stated, smile then walking away.

We walk into the her room. She was laying there peacefully. I walk over and grab her hand, kissing it before holding it to my chest.

"Let's not give me another heart attack ok?" I say. "I'm going to go visit Rose, will you come get me when she wakes?" I asked Cora.

"Go is your daughter. I will make sure Regina is ok." She nodded.

"Thank you," I said before leaving.

I walked into Roses room and she also looks so peaceful. I was to busy just looking at my daughter that I didn't even hear the doctor come into the room until she started talking.

"You know if she keeps fight like this by the end of the day or tomorrow we will be able to take out the tubes and things." She starts. "And then you can hold her with out tube hooked up to her and you will also be able to feed her a bottle that we have for her." She said.

"That is amazing." I state.

"She is definitely a fight I can say that," she agreed.

"She gets that from her mother,"

"I'm pretty sure you are a fighter too,"

"I was stab 4 times in the stomach a little while before Regina found out she was even pregnant with Rose."

"See a fighter on both sides of her family." She said with a smile.

"Yea I guess she does."

She does a little check up to make sure everything is ok. Hopefully all these tubes van come out and I can hold her with no problem. I just want to be able to hold her and love her like a father. I never thought that this would be the way my daughter would come into this world. I was hoping we would have it easy and be home in a week. But with this I have a feeling it is going to be at least a month before we can take her home.

A little while later Cora come into the room saying Regina was up and she wanted me. Cora stayed with Rose because she wanted to hold her plus both Henry's wanted to see her too for the first time. I walked into Reginas room and she was laying there looking at her phone, she heard when I opened the door and looked up.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi bubba," she whispered in her soft lovely voice. I walked over to her and put my hand on her cheek kissing her. She smiled into it.

"How are you still so beautiful,?" I asked. She looked down blushing. I love that I can make her blush still and we have been dating for a long time. She shrugs her shoulders. "Please don't scare me like that again. You gave me a heart attack by doing that." My voice almost cracking.

"I'm sorry, my head just hurt." She said.

"I know. I was just really scary."

"How is she?"

"She is doing great for being born this morning. The doctor said at this rate they are hoping they can unhook her by tonight or tomorrow."

"That is amazing,"

"That is what I said she is a fighter just like her mama."

"And you," she said laughing a little.

"Why don't you get some rest, huh?"

"Yea, please stay till I fall asleep? I don't want to be on here alone." She asked in an innocent voice.

"Yes I will stay till you fall asleep princess, I love you baby." I said softly as she laid down.

"I love you too bubba," she said taking my hand and putting it to her chest and snuggling into it. She was absolutely adorable.

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