The Next Victims

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Neville stood in shock for a few moments, then thundered into a twin embrace from his parents. Tears flowed from all three, and even Hermione looked moist-eyed. Harry turned away modestly until the Longbottoms had spent their happy reunion tears and Neville immediately began talking.

"How is this possible?" Neville asked in a hushed voice. "You're out of the hospital ... and you're awake ... and you're okay! How?!"

Alice smiled down fondly at her son. "We have Mr Black, here, to thank for that."

Neville looked over at Sirius. He still retained an air of caution around the once-accused murderer, but that pretence fell away as his face cracked into a wide smile.

"Thank you, Mr Black," Neville beamed. "How did you do it?"

Sirius barked out his trademark laugh. "We don't have anything like the sort of time to explain that right now. But, luckily for you, you have a very expert source, in this young lady right here. She can do a better job of explaining than any of us."

Neville cocked a curious eye at Hermione, who coloured slightly under the attention. Then she thought she'd better offset any potentially awkward confessions later.

"I knew about your parents, Neville," she disclosed in a small voice. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but they asked me not to. In any case, it's not an easy thing to explain."

"It really isn't," Harry agreed supportively, for Neville was looking hurt at the revelation. "But we'll explain all that we know later. That's a promise."

"Try not to be upset, Nev," Frank cajoled. "When we met Hermione - which was over a year ago now - we weren't able to return to you like this. It's not her fault that our situation was kept from you. This is all very new for everyone concerned."

"But great new," Alice nodded keenly.

That cheered Neville up again, as he wrapped his mother up in another hug.

"Okay, so that's that out of the way," Sirius went on with a smirk. "Now what's this you were saying about murdered poultry?"

Neville unfolded from his mother's embrace once more. "Hagrid keeps chickens and roosters, but someone has butchered them. It must have been quite horrific by the way Hagrid was going so crazy. Why would someone do that?"

Hermione leaned in close to whisper in Harry's ear. Her breath tickled his skin as she spoke.

"It must be a basilisk then! The cry of the rooster is fatal to it, I read about that somewhere. That must be why someone killed them!"

"Do you think we should tell Neville?" Harry whispered back.

"No, he might panic ... or start a mass one."

They were huddled conspiratorially now, and it drew everyone's attention.

"What are you nattering about so privately?" asked Sirius. "If you have any thoughts, share them with the group!"

Harry looked guiltily at Hermione. "We thought ... maybe ..."

"Lockhart," Hermione announced loudly. Harry looked at her in amazement. She was telling a downright lie to the adults. There was something impressive about that, and Harry tried not to grin at her.

"Lockhart?" Sirius scoffed. "Not Gilderoy Lockhart? But ... why? What am I missing?"

"Oh! Of course! You don't know!" Harry guffawed. "Well, you'd never guess, so I'd better tell you. Lockhart is teaching us now."

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