Too cute

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The weekend is over and it's back to school. Yay I am being so sarcastic right now. The only good thing is that Rebecca is starting to be nice to me again. Also Nathan texts me through out the day which helps to make my day better.He has off most the day because he only needs a couple more credits to graduate. So he takes a morning class at 8 then he goes to work at Reggies around 1, and in between he texts me. Jennifer also showed me messages he sent her,

'Fuck, Jennnifer, why did you introduce me to Christine? I like her. I can actually see myself in a relationship with her, and you know that scares the shit out of me! I don't want to get hurt again' Jennifers reply was, 'She won't hurt you, Nathan, go for it. Y'all would be so cute together!' I honestly couldn't believe he said that.

It's Wednsday I was in my free period trying to find something to do on the computer when I got a text from Nathan,

'Hey babe, want to come over after school and hangout?'

'Don't you have work?'

'Nope I'm off :)'

'Yay! okay can you walk to school and get me after school so I don't have to walk by myself?'

He only lived a couple blocks from my school. He went to my school last year but he switched to public because his parents couldn't afford tuition.

'Of course babe(:'

I couldn't wait for the day to be over so I could see Nathan,

Finally the day was over and I got another text from Nathan,

'Hey babe meet me across the street at Rudies? I got the munchies'


Rudie's was a fast food restaurant next to my school.

After meeting Nathan we walked back to his house. His house looked so different fromt he party. the party was my first time being there. The beer pong table was gone and there was a glass table with a TV in its place. It look nice.

He sat down on his bed and pulled out a cigarette and started smoking it. I sat the farthest distance from him with out looking weird.. When he was finally finished, he pulled out his bong and asked if I wanted a hit. I told him no because I had a big test the next dya na dI can't focus the next day if I smoke. Yes, I know what a buzz kill right? But I just really care about school.

"Fine," Nathan said, took a hit , and then kissed me shotgunning the smoke into my mouth, "I'll just get you contact high."

I giggled "You can try."

"That reminds me, what do you want to do when you grow up?" Nathan asked me.

"I want to be successful. I don't know at what yet, but iwill be successful." HE looked at me like that wasn't good enough answer. "Okay, if I had to chose I would be a doctor, But honestly I wish there weren't so many woman's activists because I would be perfectly happy being a housewife: cleaning the house and taking care of my children."

A smile slowly grew and then he started laughing. "I love the way you think it is so unique and intriguing" I laughed too, "I guess if you put it that way."

we just sat there and smiled at each other for what seemed like forever, and he said, "God, You are so beautiful." I blushed and turned way. He laughed, "Don't look away. I just ant to look in to your eyes all day." My stomach erupted into butterflies. This was just to amazing.

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