Sir Nighteye and Eri

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So sir nighteye had agreed to let me and deku join his ranks after I made him laugh with a classic joke I learnt of twice (I didn't tell him that though) and him and deku had some sort of battle from what I know of.

Now we all stood in sir nighteyes office, myself, bubblegirl, mirio and deku listened to nighteye as he spoke.
"Today we all be doing patrols and surveillance" nighteye said.
"Surveillance?" Deku asked.
" the sir nighteye agency is currently working on a secret investigation" bubble girl explained.
"The haseiki is a small organized crime syndicate, that's kai chisiki as the young head of the group he's at second in command and he's been behaving strangely lately that plague mask is his trade mark" nighteye explained showing us a picture of kai chisiki.
"Creepy" deku commented "i thought there wasnet much trouble with organised crime these days since the police know who they are and monitor there movements" he added looking more closely at the picture of kai chisiki.
"Its been that way since the big groups broke up but this chisiki guy is starting to gather them together again though we don't know why, the details are unclear but we do know he made contact with the league of villains recently" bubblegirl explained.
"The league of villains!?" Me and deku said at the same time.
"What would my father want with some underground crime organization?" I asked nighteye.
"Your father?" He asked pushing his glasses up his face.
"oh are you not aware?" I asked him and he shook his head and adjusted his glasses "My dad, he's the leader of the league of villains, tomura shigaraki. From what I know of he's never cared to bother with other criminal organizations" I explained.
"Well unfortunately we don't have solid proof linking him to anything criminal yet, the haseiki operates in a legal Gray area that's close to black though we can't treat them like villains, our objective is to tail them and find out what they're up to, be careful not to arouse any suspicion" nighteye said drawing everyone attention away from what I just said.
"Yes sir" we all said and went to leave for duty.

"This is a little nerve racking" deku said as we walked through the streets. I looked over at deku as he spoke.
"What gives you went on patrol in your hero internship didn't you, well I don't blame you for being shaken up after all that went down" mirio said.
"Yeah he's got a point" I said waving at the people who just passed us.
"Its not that I just sort of missed out on learning the basics" deku said.
"are you not surprised"i mumbled as i turned back around.
"Oh yeah well that must be strange but don't you worry, it's sir and bubble who are the ones who are actually watching the target today so I can teach you the basics of patrol with the help of Akuma here, well get you up to snuff" he said giving deku a thumbs up.
"Just watch and learn my friends" he said doing some weird pretend running motion. Me and deku gave each other a weird look as mirio acted all weird but i could tell that there was something on deku's mind.
"Hey I just realized something, we forgot to tell each other our hero names" mirio said pulling deku out of this thoughts.
"Oh yeah right, I'm deku" he said cheering up.
"Deku?? Like dek? That's weirdddd" he said.
"well I like it"
"Ok well I'm limillion for the number of people I will save you know can save them all but i can at least shoot for saving a million people so thats what im doing when we put on our costumes and hit the streets that's when we become heros so don't let your guard down deku, oh and before I forget Akuma whats your hero name??" He said/explained.
"Oh my hero name right, it's decay" I said scratching my neck.
"Well, decay limillion let's go" deku said and we started walking again.

We were walking down another street patrolling when a young girl with grey hair ran into me and deku.
"Oh I'm sorry, you really took a tumble there"deku said reaching his hand over to help her up as he kneels on the ground.
"Are you ok?" He asked as she flinched away from him. "Can I help you up?" He said picking her up from her under arms, she was trembling really bad, her automation looked really familiar.
"Deku, i think you should just help her up" I told him, kneeling down to this small girls level.
"You should be more careful, we don't want to cause trouble for the heroes" a voice from the alliey way that the grip cane running out of said."come on let's go home eri" the man, i now recognized as the man from the picture that nighteye showed us.
"I hope you'll forgive my daughter here I don't know what happens to her, you know what little kids are lile always playing around" kai chisiki said as eri held onto me, her arms hooking around my neck.
"Whoopies dazy, looks lile that darn mask came off again" mirio said pulling deku's mask back up.
" I know that mask, you must be from the haseiki right you guys are famous around here" mirio said drawing kai chisiki attention from this small girl named eri, deku and myself.
"Oh right and please don't mind the mess it keeps out the filth, I don't belief I've seen you three in the area before though I can't help but thinking I've seen you around before" he said pointing at me. "What's your name?" He asked.
"My hero name is decay" I told him.
"Oh right were still pretty new but i guess you've already guessed that much now on your feet partners you 2 can't do much heroing from down there" he said hauling deku up while I was stuck on the floor with eri clinging into me.
"So what hero agency are you three from?" He asked.
"Oh no, you've got us mistaken were just students far to low to be creating an association with an agency were just using our intern ships to get some experience and speaking of which we need to have finished patrolling this devision by lunch come on guys let's go" mirio told him.
"Right yes" deku said standing up.
"Of course said trying to stand up bit eri's grip around my neck just got stronger.
"Please....... please don't go" she whispered into my ear. It broke my heart to see a small child who could have possible been scared.

What is the haseiki doing with her and was she really kai chisiki' s daughter.
I could tell all three of the men standing around me were looking down on me wondering what I'm going to do.

"um excuse me but im sorry but your daughter seems to be scared" deku said stuttering, he wasent even throne with the small girl around his neck. I whispered into her ear.
"I need you to nod your head if your in danger" I whispered in her ear so quietly only she could hear me. She nodded ever so slightly.
"Its just a reaction to being scolded" kai said. Yeah i highly doubt that, i know what a scared child looks like since i once was one of them i though to myself. Glaring up at kai.

"Sure" mirio said.
"Wait! But........she got a bandages all over her arms? Are they just from playing ruff??" Deku asked.
"What can i say, Eri's an exceptionally clumsy girl hehe" he said, i didn't like this guy what so ever, he reminds me to much of my dad just less crusty and more sus.
"Her while body is shaking and she's not making a sound, does that's seem normal to you?" Deku asked kneeling back down to mine and eri's level.
"Its dangerous to make assumptions about what's normal for other people" chisiki said.
"Yeah well he's differnt am I right?" Mirio said, i looked up at him with a glare.
Not helping the situation mirio, really not helping.
"Tell me what are your doing to this girl?" Deku asked, i was too speach less to even stay anything. I didn't know what to do in this situation, do we leave or ask more questions. I felt eri cry on me, her tears running doing my chest.

Poor girl god knows what she's going through.

"Urgh, you heroes really pick up on the smallest things don't you, very well, this situation is.....embrassing so id prefer to discuss it where we wont be over heard"he said walking back into the alley way. We all gasped, he's really sus.

Me, mirio and deku all nodded at each other in agreement and we followed him to the alley way, i picked up eri into my arms, deku placing his arm on my shoulder protectively.
"Hard to admit that you can't control your own child but lately eri defies me no matter what I try" he said leading us down the alley way.
"Parenting man, that's seems rough man it can't be easy?" mirio comment.
"Ah yes  children aren't tricky so determined to do what they want" he said as i noticed he reached to take off his glove, myself out of the three of us know what that means, he's got a quirk that he controls threw his hands just like me and my dad. I heard eri gasp.
"And sometimes they just don't listen" chisiki says turning around slightly to eye eri. She jumps out of my arms and runs towards chisiki at a quick pase.
"Eri are you sure?" Deku askes surprised as i am.
"Yeah, are you sure?" I asked as i just stood there with my arms still open.
"She's always like this, sorry to invoke you in our family drama I'm sure you've got better things to be doing good luck woth your internships" he says while eri reaches up to hold his hand. They walked away into the alley way. Deku called out her name yet they kept walking.
"We're not going after them, he was ready to get violent that's why she went back if you keep pushing him he's going to be even harder to catch for now let's report to sir" mirio said. I nodded in agreement.
"I think we should"i said straighing myself out.

Mirio called bubble girl letting her know we'd ran into contact with chisiki and we met at a street corner to talk it out. Nighteye explained some things and some information about chisiki.

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