I'll wait for you, Babe

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Peter blankly stared at the wall as he took another swing of whiskey. He thumped his head harshly against the wall behind him as tears started to burn at his eyes. Everything was worst because he could still feel everything, even after all this time, it hurt like hell. 

Tony stood before him with a grim expression on his face, "Don't do this to yourself Peter. Be better than I was. Stop before it's too late." The deceased man pleaded with the younger male. 

Peter didn't respond and only took another drink in silence. He was going crazy wasn't he? Doesn't grieve change people? The teen guessed that his grieve caused him to go completely insane. He kept seeing things that weren't there. Tony wasn't there. He was not in front of him talking. Tony was buried six feet under.

"Listen Peter, you need to let go. Talk to someone. That wizard doctor seems like he's willing to listen. He's probably the only person that understands you right now." Tony knelt down to be on level with the younger man. "Can you try?"

Peter let out a harsh sob as he threw the bottle of whiskey at the figure of Tony. "You aren't real!" he screamed. "You can't tell me what people will think or feel! You feel nothing! You aren't here! Why did you leave? You understood me, and you left. You left and you can't come back. It hurts, why did you hurt me so bad?" Peter shouted as tears flooded his eyes like a river.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Peter. I thought I was protecting you by leaving. I thought I was leaving you to lead a better life. I guess I was wrong." Tony spoke with regret in his voice. 

Peter let out a bitter laugh, "I guess the great Tony Stark was finally wrong after something." After a minute Peter let out a ling sigh, "How the hell am I supposed to live without you?" 

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