Nick Fury

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You looked at the man and tried to walk around him but soon relised that S.H.E.I.L.D agents had surrounded the place. With a sigh you walked towards the jet that was behind the man. Once you were inside the avengers ,including Loki and the man, sat down in silence.

You decided that it was boring ,so you looked over at Iron man and saw he had the same look as you spread across his face. So you thought 'eh why not intertain them.' So with that you used your fire to make a phoenix fly around the room. As everyone stared at it you made its feet turn into ice feet and made it land on Iron man's shoulder and with a flick of your wrist it vanished into thin air. You gave everyone a smirk before dozing off.

---- Time Skip ----cause I'm lazy. ^▁^

You woke up when you heard shouting, you opened your eyes to see the man shouting at Iron Man, you then felt a burning sensation in your right arm. You looked down to see that there was a black mark in a shape of a circle,  you instantly realised what had happened. You got up and walked over to the man. He looked at you and asked ,

"I believe that you are (y/n), right?"

"Yes I am. "You replied

"Well I'd like you to know that we have been tracking you and trying to find you over these years." He said

"Why?" You asked already knowing the answer

"You are a very powerful person and have many powers," he said,"and I'd also like you to know that you will be joining the avengers, whether they like it or not,"

He then looked at you as if expecting a squeal of joy or scream but nothing came , infact you just shrugged and said a simply sure and turned to the avengers.

You saw the avengers nodding in approval and turned back to the man to find he was walking away, you teleported in front of him and said.

"Wait I have one  question ."

"What is it?" He asked

"Who are you?" You asked confused

"I am Nick Fury Director of S.H.E.I.L D." Nick said before walking away.

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