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"Once the Dark Lord has defeated Potter, and this war is over," spoke Alecto, "he will no doubt begin the purification of this Earth. Most Muggles and Mud-Bloods will, of course, be killed, though some will likely be kept to do the more – undesired – jobs."

Kiera felt like she might throw up. She remembered learning about the Holocaust in her Muggle school. Back then, she couldn't understand how somebody could be so cruel, so evil toward others for something so irrelevant. Voldemort was ten times worse.

"It is time Wizards take back their place on the food chain. Muggles have been in the position of power for too long, those animals drove us into hiding, and now the natural balance is being returned."

"And how much Muggle blood do you and your brother have?" Neville said from his seat toward the end of the class. Kiera turned to look at him, and saw the same disgust reflected on his face that she was feeling too. With a slash of her wand, a deep gash appeared on his cheek, blood spluttering onto his clothes and desk.

Kiera was quick to stand up, but Alecto seethed at her, "Sit back down, Miss Walker." Looking from Neville's bleeding face that he had covered with a hand and Crabbe laughing uglily next to him, to Alecto who was seething in anger at the front of the class, wand still aloft.

"You're disgusting," Kiera said icily at her. "You and your brother. And so is Snape. There is no such thing as a pure-blood family; not anymore. There's always at least one Muggle or Squid in a bloodline. I wouldn't be surprised if you've got a bus driver for an uncle."

"How dare you," whispered Alecto, dangerously and quietly. "How dare you? Follow me, Miss Walker."

"No!" protested Neville, standing up from his seat despite his still bleeding cheek.

Alecto turned to him, fury practically seething from her like heat, sizzling through the air like electric particles. "You can come with us, Longbottom."

Kiera was about to protest, but Neville had already walked to her side and shook his head in a quite requested for her to be quiet. Alecto stood by the entrance of the classroom, keeping the door open, and slowly the duo walked toward her and through the door. The Carrow slammed the door shut and began to wordlessly lead them down the corridor. Kiera and Neville followed quietly, both more scared than they cared to admit.

They followed Alecto all the way to the dungeons until Kiera realised that they were being brought to the Detention Chambers. She swallowed down the lump in her throat as they approached the door. Once they were nearer, she noticed that somebody was already there. "I got the potion," said Amycus.

The siblings had such an uncanny way of finding each other that Kiera often wondered if they had some sort of method for telepathic conversations. He grinned evilly as he showed his sister a small flask of a ruby bright, red liquid. Kiera's knees nearly buckled as she recognised the brew. Surely they wouldn't make them drink it.

"Excellent," Alecto said, turning to grin at the two students, a sick look of satisfaction on her features. "Do you know what this is?" she asked dangerously.

Neville only shook his head, but Kiera opened her mouth and said in a shaky voice, "Baneberry potion..." Neville's head immediately snapped to look at her. He looked pale, and his eyes were wide with fear, much like hers.

"That's right," said Alecto. "There should be enough to last a few hours for you both." And she reached into her cloak to fetch the iron key and unlocked the door to the dungeon. "In you get," she said.

Kiera turned to look at Neville, who only looked back. Then slowly they both began toward the door. They had just entered the dungeon when the enchanted, heavy iron shackles clamped around their wrists and pulled them to opposite walls. With a chuckle, Amycus followed after them, though nothing flew out to restrain him. He walked to Kiera first, uncorking the flask, and with a grin forced it to her lips. Her protests were in vain, as the potion was forced down her throat. Amycus then pulled the flask away and forced the rest into Neville's mouth.

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