19. Thanksgiving

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Will's POV

The seven, Calypso, Reyna, Thalia, Sally, Paul, Nico, everyone's kids, and I were all sitting around the table. There was a total of 25, so we had a good 30-pound turkey. We had the turkey in front of Paul, and everything else was spread across the table. 

"Natalie! Don't eat my food!" Rose, Percy and Annabeth's oldest shouted.

"Well, you took all the stuffing!" Nat replied, she was Leo and Calypso's youngest.

"What! YOU ATE THE BLUE STUFFING?!" Percy shouted, confused. 

"No, Dad. I ate the yellow stuffing," Rose replied sarcastically. Percy didn't get it.

"Oh, good."

"No, Dad. I ate the blue stuffing obviously!" Percy gasped in horror.

"There was 13 pounds of that!?!" He exclaimed in horror.

"Yes, and I ate three," she replied.

I lost track there. Today, Nico and I decided to tell them some good news. We've been dating for 5 years now, and Nico proposed a week ago! So, we were going to tell them all today, well, once it's possible to grab everyone's attention for long enough. With ADHD demigods and a Leo it won't be easy.

"HEY! GUYS!" Nico shouts. That gets everyone silent pretty fast, considering Nico rarely shouts. Wow. That was easier than I thought.

"What is it, Nico?" Sally asked nicely.

"Will and I have some news," he says.

"What is it?" Thalia asks impatiently.

"We're engaged!" I tell them, I couldn't let Nico do all the talking.

"Congratulations, you guys!" Annabeth said.

"What does engaged mean?" Bobby asks, he was Jason and Piper's youngest.

"It means they're getting married. Congrats you guys! Can I plan the wedding?" Piper asks hopeful. Nico and I discussed and agreed that Piper can plan the wedding. Apparently, Jason and she have been planning it since we started dating.

"Oh, uh. Congrats?" Bobby responds.

"Thank you," I tell them putting an arm around Nico. "Now, I'm hungry. Let's actually eat some more, instead of yelling.

"YES!" Percy shouted, as always, thinking of food first.

A/N Sorry it's short! My next chapter will be longer!

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