23. I Love You

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A/N Sorry it's late, at least where I am. This is before they get together. Also in a few more chapters, this will be done, what ship do you want next? Jasper, Caleo, Frazel, Chrisse, Tratie, Ciranda, Charlena? (Jason and Piper, Leo and Calypso, Frank and Hazel, Chris and Clarisse, Travis and Katie, Connor and Miranda, Charlie and Silena) Although you probably knew who was who. 

Will's POV

"Come on Will! Just tell him! I'm 99% certain he likes you, too!" Lou Ellen exclaimed. Lou Ellen, Cecil, Kayla, and I were in the infirmary. Lou and Cecil were here scolding me, while Kayla and I were actually being productive and helping in the infirmary.

"But what about that 1%!" I reply. We were talking about my crush on Nico Di Angelo. Somehow it always this, Lou and Cecil admitted to their feelings for each other and Kayla admitted to her feelings for Butch, now, I was the only one who didn't tell their crush, how they feel. 

"So what! You do realize, how there was like a 50/50 shot for us right?" Lou asked. 

"Yeah, I do. But what if he's not gay! Then I'm outing myself to him, and since he's from the 1930's he's going to think it's wrong! He'll hate me!" I say.

"Oh my gods, Will! You just have to tell him, and if he doesn't like you, so what? What's there to lose? You lost your dignity when you had to run out of the cabin butt-naked because the Stolls stole your clothes!" Kayla butted in. I blushed, I hoped they forgot about that.

"But it'll ruin our friendship!" I say making a good point.

"Yeah, and Lou Ellen and I admitting our feelings for each other could've ruined our friendship too. But did it? No!" Cecil shouted. Good thing Nico's cabin is all the way across the camp.

"UGGG! Fi-," I was about to relent when Jason came barging in.

"WILL! It's Nico, he-he's hurt. BAD," he says. I sprint after him, and we end up at Thalia's tree. There's gold dust. And a Nico, a Nico with a spear pierced through his stomach. All the way through. 

"Shit. Ambrosia, Nectar," I order. "One, two, three." I yank out the spear as soon as the Ambrosia and Nectar get here.

"Will, s-stop. It's no use," Nico croaked out.

I didn't reply, just kept trying to save him. "Will."

"What," I snap.

"Stop. I can feel myself dying," he said. No no no no no no no no no no no. This. Can. Not. Be. Happening.

I started to cry, if Nico felt himself dying, the chance of him staying alive was 99/1. The 99 is his death. "No, don't say that," I demand, pouring some Nectar over the wound and shoving some Ambrosia in his mouth. I flip him over and pour some more Nectar on his wound. It starts to heal, but only vaguely there is still a giant hole in his stomach.

"Will... I love you," Nico croaked out, then took his final breath. His final breath, his last chance at life. I started to bawl my eyes out. 

"I love you, too. I love you so much," I manage, as I hug him. If only I could've worked up the courage to tell him, before his final breath.

A/N I know Nico would never die like this, but I was having trouble thinking of a reason.

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