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RUNNING OUT OF TIME | Tyler, The Creator

or, the party part 2 (3?)

"Holy fucking Christ," Richie mumbled, eyes wide as the three teens gazed upon the fucking mansion before them.

"Oh my god, the kid really is that rich" Beverly huffed out a shocked laugh. Stan is stunned into silence beside them.

Okay, mansion was a bit of an exaggeration, but only barely. It was indeed a huge fucking house. Lined with elegant pillars and a big front porch, which held teens wading in and out, just like the last party they went to. The disaster party, if you will.

Richie sucked in a breath, and it huffed out in a cold cloud of smoke before him. "Alright, some consequence yet hanging in the stars shall bitterly begin his fearful date with this night's revels, and expire the term of a despised life closed in my breast by some vile forfeit of untimely death" Richie mused playfully.

It was from the scene in R&J, right before the Capulet's party, and though there simply was no reason to say any of this out loud in the first place, he felt it bubbling in his throat. Different than when he just babbled things out of impulse. A gut feeling. As though this had much to do with what is to happen tonight.

"But whatever," Richie shrugged, and Stan snorted at that. "Direct my sail. On, lusty gentlemen!!" Richie said, swooning dramatically and taking the both of them by the hand, skipping toward the entrance to the house.

It was not much different from the last one, Christmas garlands hung all around, red and green lights aglow. It was a much much bigger house inside, and the Christmas tree was absolutely massive, standing tall just by the couches across the room.

The trio was fairly late to the party, mostly because one of their main rules is to always show up when everyone is already too drunk to notice. Perfect for mixing in with the crowd. And in this case, the house was crowded. And I mean the insane type of crowded where you just might get a clear space to not be tripping over someone else's feet. The dance floor was not as packed, but it's just about to be, because Richie can see in the corner of his eye, someone reaching out to turn on some sort of speaker.

Richie was to be the 'designated driver' for tonight.

They take turns for every party they go to, and the last Halloween bash from a few months back was to Stan's duty. Neither of them were one at the last party because... well- let's just forget about that for now.

One was necessary tonight because, unlike the last time, this party would be normal. The most normal any party could ever be. Correction: It has to be.

Then a song; 'Simply Having A Wonderful Christmas Time' boomed to life out of the speakers, and the three of them all groaned in unison, nearly masked by the strength of the music. Richie squawked out a laugh.

"So we all collectively agree that this is the worst Christmas song of all time?" he spoke loudly over the music, and both Stan and Bev nodded aggressively.

"Why is it's name so damn long!" Stan queried, and everyone scoffed with a laugh. Ridiculous.

After a second of them maneuvering around the house, awkwardly moving in a train of height (Beverly in front, shortest, Stan in the middle, merely a millimeter shorter than Richie [yes, they counted], and Richie in the back, bobbing his head to the unfortunately catchy song, with his hands securely clamped onto Stan's shoulders) they reach the entrance to the kitchen.

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