Chapter 12

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Dreams POV:

After looking at his lap, and realizing what was happening I looked at him with a raised brow. George looked completely embarrassed and his face was as red as a tomato. I threw my hands up and said,

"Are we both gonna pretend nothing's happening or..?" I'm on the verge to burst out laughing but I don't want to embarrass George more than he already is.


"Alright, just gonna make a mental note to do that more." I gave him a wink before not being able to contain myself and laughing. George just shook his head and headed off to the bathroom. What a way to start this off.

It was about 30 minutes later when he came back, I guess we both decided to just not say anything about it. Anyways, my plan for the day was to have some fun. Or at least fun in my opinion.

"Hey George, so I was thinking that today we could go to the mall."

"Uh, sure? I mean yeah that would be fun."

"I bet you it will be, just let me get dressed before we go."

I stood up from my chair and went to my closet to get some clothes, nicer ones than I was wearing now. It was an outfit I usually wore to the mall to not seem suspicious. Because if i'm being honest, my style doesn't scream the most innocent. I grab a gray sweater and blue jeans and head into the bathroom to change my outfit. Once I was done I looked myself in the mirror and thought, Wow, I kinda look like those kids at George's school. Maybe I should start dressing like this more for George. But the style doesn't really feel like me. Whatever, I have more important things at hand.

"Alright George, follow me."

George nodded and stood up going down the stairs and putting his shoes on. We both head out the front door and I start to walk towards my Dad's car.

"Uhm, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like i'm doing?"

"Looks like you're going to steal your dads car Dream."

"Ding ding! You've got it! Now hop in."

He gave me a curious look, with a little concern but gave in and went into the passenger seat.

"It's only a 20 minute drive, we'll be fine."

And boom, we set off to the mall. George looked all innocent and happy. I wish I could be him, clueless and living in a neighborhood like his. But then again his whole school seems to be homophobic and carbon copies of each other. But that's the price you've got to pay for "peace."

Whatever the fuck that means.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car in a slot not too far from the mall. We both unbuckled our seatbelts and got out of the car. George looked a little nervous, so I thought maybe starting conversation with him would help.

"When's the last time you've gone to a mall?"

"Well, maybe 4th grade?"

You're fucking joking. Has this kid been locked up in a tower for most of his life? My nickname for him really does fit. I chuckle a little before responding,

"Why's that?"

"My parents don't allow me to leave the house a lot so you can imagine why they wouldn't want to go into a place with hundreds or people. Mainly teenagers and stuff."

"You're here now, so you know what? Fuck what your parents allow you to do. Just fucking do what you want to do man."

"Maybe you're right.."

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