Who I am and Who you were

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You let out a whimper when you moved your ankle. Immediately your hands reached out to somehow smooth the pain but there was nothing you could do; it was sprained you were sure of it.

Right now you found yourself in the middle of a battle field. You were doing one of your last internships before graduating and until now everything was okay.

In this moment, though, nothing was alright. You and the heroes of the agency you worked with were called because a villain decided to rob a bank. Nothing out of the ordinary until you entered the building. You didn't know that the villain had a metal bending quirk. It didn't take long until the entire building was deformed due to the villain's quirk.

You weren't the only one who struggled but you were unfortunate enough to get separated from the rest of your team and you were even more unlucky for running into the villain by the safe. A room that was completely out of metal.

Long story short, you were soon squished into a tiny space and in the process your ankle got hurt.

"What am I supposed to do now" you mumbled. It became harder to breathe with every passing second, granted due to the fact that metal wasn't really permeable. You tried to free yourself no matter where you pressed the metal didn't give in. Your quirk was useless, too.

You only could hope that someone would find you. That is if they didn't think you were already dead. Starting to feel dizzy from the lack of air, you became unconscious.


"Come on, you have to wake up! Y/N! Y/N, please!" the darkness around you started to subside and slowly but surely you grew aware of your own body again. The voice almost seemed like a guide back to reality.

Your eyes fluttered.


The voice again.

When those dark spots that still filed your sight started to disappear you were finally able to make out the boy who leaned over you.

His green eyes appeared teary. Your heart broke at the sight.

"Izuku?" You cringed when you realized how weak your voice sounded.

"Yeah, yeah. It's me. I am so glad you are alright. For a moment I thought I lost you" the male admitted, giving you one of his soft smiles. He didn't even try to hide his tears, that's how relived the boy was.

"Of course, I am alright. I mean, I-" your memories started to come back at you which stopped you from proclaiming how this was nothing.

You knew that your life was in danger and to be honest, you didn't even know how you made it out. Now that you were thinking about it, you couldn't help but wonder what Izuku was doing here. Only now you also noticed that "here" was in a hospital room in which you got all patched up as you could tell by the patches that were placed on your arms.

"Did you come to visit me when you heard I was hurt?" You concluded that this was his reason. He was a good friend. You knew that he would always come running the moment one of his friends were in trouble. That was just the kind of guy he was.

"Well, actually. I was the one who got you out of there" the male blushed as he scratched the back of his head. "My agency was also called when the entire thing escalated as it did and when I heard that you disappeared I searched for you until I finally was able to find you caged between pieces of metal. You were already so weak and you barely breathed. I was so worried" he explained what happened. You blushed slightly when you realized that Izuku saved you.

Who I am and Who you were - Villain!Izuku x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now