Part 6

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Louis stared down at his phone, he'd had Harry's contact open for the past five minutes trying to get the courage to call him. 

Shit. He couldn't do this. 


Asshole. Fucking asshole. Goddamn fucking asshole bitch-ass cunt.

Harry swung, hard, his foot colliding with the ball sending it flying through the air before hitting the goal post and bouncing back. Asshole. 

He let out a breath, a puff of steam coming out. It was freezing balls out, and Harry was at the park kicking a football around because he was so goddamn angry.

Fuck Louis. 

Harry lined the next ball up, took a few steps back, charged forward his foot colliding with the ball. Sending it spiralling through the air, falling to the grund and bouncing into the goal. He never claimed to be good at footie, but the gym closed two hours ago and he didn't know what else to do to let his frustration out. 


"So I was thinking you could come over tonight- if your free- and we could work on our song? I have a couple lyric ideas, but I'm stuck with the melody," Amber was saying to Harry while digging around in her locker. 

"Yeah sounds great," Harry commented looking up at Zayn who had just come up behind him, throwing an arm around him. 

"Yeah, and we could get dinner too," Amber said just as Preston walked by. He stopped looking between Amber and Harry, then laughing loudly calling the attention of the hallway. 

"You know he's a fag right?" Preston said, announcing to the crowded hallway really, looking at Amber who now had a confused look on her face. Amber was well aware Harry's gay, she hadn't been asking him out on a date. 

"No shit asshole," Zayn commented pulling Harry close and cupping his face. He brought their lips together, quickly meeting Harry's tongue with his own and grabbing at him dramatically. Harry smiled into the kiss, grabbing at Zayn's ass and pulling away laughing when people started whistling at them. 

Preston looked both shocked, confused, and disgusted before walking away. 

Harry just laughed and the group returned to their conversation. 

Louis on the other hand, Louis was well...

He was fucking tired is what he was. It was Monday and Elliot kept him up half the night with his cold, but at least Jaz was back at school with him. Or she was before the cheer team saw her and dragged her away to catch up on just about everything. 

Louis made his way to his locker, Tim and Luke already waiting by it with Tim's girlfriend Ashley. "Shit man, you don't look to good," Luke greeted him, which earned a slap from Ashley.

"You okay love?" She asked offering her coffee to him. Louis grunted and gladly took her coffee. 

Before they could say anything else their morning was interrupted by the obnoxious laugh of none other than douchebag of the year Preston Scott-he even had a douchebag name. The group looked over to where he stood before Harry and a couple of his friends. Louis recognized the guy as the guy who picked him up from the doctors on Friday. 

"You know he's a fag right?" Preston said, Louis flinched at that word. No one else seemed to bat an eye. Then Harry's friend was laughing and said something Louis didn't catch and pulling him into a kiss. 

A kiss. Harry was kissing someone else. What. 

Louis stared, unable to look away from the pair as he watched their kiss becoming more of a make-out. And okay he definitely just saw tongue-what the fuck. Tim let out a loud whistle, a few other guys in the hallway joining in before the pair pulled apart. Harry's face flushed and hair a mess from Zayn's hands. 

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