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Mazilani POV
Chicago Illinois
Chicago's Pizza

"I'm telling y'all I went over there yesterday morning

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"I'm telling y'all I went over there yesterday morning." Calboy said to Von and Durk as we were all sitting in Chicago's pizza, I was resting my head on Von's chest trying my best not to go to sleep while waiting for them to finish eating, I been up since 5 this morning.

"Merch?" Durk asked.

"On foenem." Calboy chuckled.

"You fronting yo shit." Von laughed loudly while shaking his head and I slowly closed my eyes until I heard my name being called.

"Her ass trying to fall asleep." Durk chuckled and I smiled and rubbed my eyes.

"Don't be drooling all over my shirt." Von smirked as he looked down at me.

"Mhmm." I mumbled before closing my eyes again, I was sleeping for a few minutes until I opened my eyes seeing Von staring dead at me. "Dayvon what the fuck." I gasped as I sat up, he scared the fuck out of me.

"Had to make sure you was still breathing lil foenem". He smirked and I rolled my eyes and slowly laid back down in his arms.

"You're weird". I mumbled. "I gotta use the bathroom". I said to him as I crawled over him to get up.

"We'll go." India said as her and Ann got up as well, I'm happy because I could tell Von was finna get up and follow me, I love how protective he is of me but then again it's kind of scary because he's trying his best to make sure nobody fuck with me because of his lifestyle, I'm deadass putting my life in his hands.

"Y'all I felt like we haven't been talking as much since I've been here". I whined as we were all in the bathroom checking our makeup and hair.

"We should all have a ladies day tomorrow, just the three of us, we can shop, eat and gossip". Ann suggested and I nodded my head agreeing with her.

"Most definitely, that'll be nice". India said to us before we all left the bathroom and went back to our booth section.




The next morning

The next morning

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