Sirius Black is fit

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Delilah Potter knew two things in her fifth year.
Lily Evans would never go out with her brother.
And Sirius Black is the biggest Pratt in Hogwarts.
James had ditched Delilah on the platform as she said goodbye to their parents, leaving Delilah to find the rowdy boys on her own. Which turned out to not be a very hard feat.
The self proclaimed Marauders were laughing hysterically in their small compartment, one of whom was Delilah's best friend. Remus Lupin had become James friend first back in first year but, grew closer to Delilah as the two had quickly formed a bond over their shared interest in muggle novels.
As Delilah slid the compartment door open the boys eyes traveled and Sirius seemed to have taken a special interest in her chest, causing the girl to fold her arms over her chest and cough lightly to get his attention.
"Excuse me I was looking for my best mate, about yay tall, sandy brown hair, long scar across his face, usually holding a book?"
Remus chuckled.
"Hullo Delilah."
"Oh my Godric! Remus? Is it really you? You look so different? So incredibly fit, I think this year you'll give Black a run for his money."
Sirius placed a hand over his chest in shock.
"Dear Delilah, while it's True that Remus has grown up over the summer. I think all the girls at Hogwarts can agree that I'm still the fittest."
He smirked and placed his hands behind his head, propping his feet up on the seat across from him. Delilah gingerly moved his feet and sat next to Remus.
"Well not this girl, Black."
Delilah said kissing Remus's cheek.
"You'll come around, Potter. They always do."
Sirius said with a satisfied smirk. Delilah rolled her eyes but quickly looked away from the arrogant boy to avoid him seeing the blush rising to her cheeks.
"Anyways how was your summer Remus?"
She asked turning to the shy werewolf.
"Good, I mean I spent most of it either at yours or reading one of the books you recommended me. By the way I really liked that one you said reminded you of us."
"The Outsiders! Oh I'm so glad you read it, but don't you agree I mean James is Sodapop, You're Ponyboy, Peter is Johnny and This one-
Delilah said motioning her thumb towards Sirius
"Is Dally!"
"And who are you in the novel? The lovely Cherry?
Remus asked playing with a strand of Delilah's curly hair.
"No... I'd probably be Darry." She said shrugging
"I mean I do look after you trouble makers."
Remus chuckled.
"Oi Dork! Aren't you forgetting about your special monthly party?"
Sirius said smirking.
"Oi don't be a pratt, Black!"
Delilah said reaching over and smacking Sirius's arm.
"Ow Potter, save the violence for the bedroom." He said with a wink.
Delilah's cheeks turned deep Scarlett and her eyes went wide. At this Sirius let out a hearty chuckle.
"You- I'm gonna- I never!"
Delilah stammered
Remus placed a comforting hand on Delilah's shoulder.
"He's kidding Lilah, and I'd hardly call it a party Sirius."
For the rest of the train ride Delilah stared out the window, still trying to get her face to go back down to a normal temperature.
Halfway through though all the excitement of coming back to school that had kept her up half the night finally dissipated and she fell asleep with her head slumped against the window. But when she woke her head was propped on a warm shoulder. She assumed it was Remus's and snuggled closer for warmth in the cold train compartment. But then Delilah's senses kicked in and she realized Remus didn't have long hair that would tickle her neck, or wear expensive cologne that smelled smoky and sweet all at the same time. He also didn't have rings on his fingers. She sat her head up abruptly.
"That comfortable? Am I love?"
Sirius said smirking at the girl.
"Where's Remus?"
"Prefect rounds."
She nodded and looked over to the other companions in the compartment who had teasing grins. Delilah and James were actually pretty close only being nine months apart, the Potters had held their son back a year so he could go in at the same time as Delilah.
"What're you gits smiling about?"
She said folding her arms and narrowing her eyes.
"Did you know you talk in your sleep?" James asked running a hand through his messy black hair.
"Yeah you say all sorts of crazy things like, Sirius oh Sirius."
Delilah tensed and began internally panicking.
Sirius grinned smugly down at her before he and James burst out laughing, clutching their sides.
"You Toerags! I expect this from Black, but really James now you to?"
"I'm sorry Delilah, I couldn't help it. He paid me five galleons." James said wiping his eyes from laughing so hard.
"Tsk tsk and to think I was going to help you win Evans over this year."
James smile dropped abruptly.
" Wait, really? I was only kidding. Delilah please!"
It was Delilah's turn to laugh.

As the Marauders stepped off the train and into the crisp September Evening, Delilah saw a flash of red hair walk by. No sooner had she identified the rushed girl as Lily Evans, did her brother take off after her.
"He's hopeless." She sighed.
"He really is." Remus said draping his arm across her shoulder.
The two boarded the carriage with Peter and Sirius showed up a minute later, taking the seat next to Delilah.
"Miss me, love?"
He cooed with his arm around her shoulders.
"Yes, I thought I might die."
Delilah said flatly, removing his arm.
"Where have you been?"
Peter asked.
"Asking Mary Macdonald out to the first Hogsmeade weekend."
Sirius said with a smirk.
"Already, that's weeks away."
Remus said.
"Got to get a jump on it, Moony. Otherwise you'll be stuck going with this one again." He said pointing to Delilah. Delilah scoffed.
"What is that supposed to mean, you ass?"
"I mean, you and Remus have no sexual feelings for each other. If you did you'd have gone out by now. You going with Moony again would be just like you going with James, sad. But if you were to give me a chance, I'd drop Mary Macdonald right now. And people would stop thinking you're a stuck up prude." He placed his hand on her thigh and Delilah hated that she liked the feeling of his warm hand on her skin.
"You're a pig Black! And I wouldn't go out with you if you were the last boy at Hogwarts!"
The carriage came to a stop and Delilah exited abruptly. She was speed walking to the Gryffindor table, grumbling about Sirius when she rammed right into someone. Knocking them both to the ground. She scrambled to her feet and extended her hand to none other than one of the Slytherin pureblood princes, Laurence Lestrange.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!"
"It's okay, Delilah,Right?"
Delilah looked at him shocked he hadn't berated her for knocking him down or called her a blood traitor.
"Y-yeah. Laurence,right?"
He took her hand and she helped him to his feet and Delilah realized just how handsome he really was. Black wavy hair that that was styled perfectly but still had that messy charm. Piercing blue eyes that sent chills down Delilah's spine. And he was a Slytherin beater which meant he was fit as fuck.
"I hate that name. Everyone just calls me Laurie." He said with a genuine smile.
"I like it, makes you sound like a prince." He chuckled at her and she blushed.
"Delilah is a beautiful flower, it suits you."
Delilah had never felt more flustered in her life.
"Well, I'll see you around Flower." He said with a wink.
"Y-yeah I'll see you around Laurence- I mean Laurie!" She stuttered
He just chuckled as he made his way to the Slytherin table.
Delilah felt like she was floating as she took a seat next to Remus.
"Oi, why is your face all red?"
James said poking his sister in the face.
"Ow, none of your business James!"
"I know that look. It's the same look James gets when he try's to talk to Lily. Delilah here is in love."
Remus said batting his eyelashes at her.
Delilah just rolled her eyes.
"Who has caught your eye? I'll kill him. I've had dibs on you since third year."
Sirius stated possessively.
"You can't claim a girl Black! And besides you never stood a chance anyway."
Sirius leaned over so his lips were only inches away from her ear.
"Then why do you get so riled when I tease you?"
He whispered in her ear. Delilah's heart started racing and she felt like all her words got stuck in her throat.
"I-I-I that's not- you are- shut up Black!"
She stuttered burying her face in her hands.
Sirius let out a hearty chuckle and James laughed to.
"Don't have a crush on Sirius, do you Delilah?"
James teased.
"Shut up! Now I'm not only going to not help with Lily! I'm going to actively work against you!"
Delilah said standing up.
"What is that supposed to mean? Wait where are you going? Delilah!"
She waved her brothers pleas off and marched up to Lily Evans and her friends.
"Hi, Lily."
She said taking a seat next to the girl.
"Uh hi Potter... look if you're here to try to convince me to go out with your brother-
"Quite the opposite actually. Lily would you go to Hogsmeade with me?"
Lily's cheeks turned red and her friends giggled.
"Like- like on a date? Cause I don't swing that way Potter." Lily stammered.
"Neither do I. But I've been informed I need to go to Hogsmeade with someone other than Remus this year and I'm mad at my brother. So this is my way of getting back at him."
Lily smiled sheepishly.
" O-Okay Potter."
"Call me Delilah. And can I do something that'll really irk my brother?"
"Uh sure..."
Delilah leaned over and kissed Lily on the cheek.
Lily giggled as Delilah got up and walked back over to her brother and his friends. Truth be told Lily had always wanted to get to know the younger Potter. But was intimidated because she hung out with the Marauders and you had to be pretty fearless to hang out with that lot.
"What did you do?" James asked staring dumbfounded at his sister.
"Oh I just asked her out on the first Hogsmeade weekend."
All the boys jaws dropped and Delilah smirked mischievously.
" I am beat. I think I'm going to head to bed. Goodnight boys."
She stretched and made her way out of the great hall.

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