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warning: mature content

"Emily, hey!" JJ exclaimed as she happily greeted her best friend at the door. "I'm so glad you could make it. I wasn't sure if you had plans or not."

"I didn't, but Mark got stood up at the last minute so we ate his extremely expensive Valentine's package," Emily laughed.

"Poor guy! But at least you got something out of it," JJ said, gesturing for Emily to sit on the couch. "Henry's asleep so I thought maybe we could drink a little wine and talk? I've missed you so much these past few weeks."
"Of course. I've missed you too," Emily said.

JJ filled two glasses with her favorite white wine and set them on the table near the couch. Emily was already comfortable on her side, legs folded crisscross applesauce like she usually did when JJ hosted girl's night.

"So," Emily said between a gulp of wine. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Well, this probably sounds so dumb but my therapist gave me some homework for this weekend that I'm hoping you could help me with?" JJ asked.

Emily wasn't expecting that but she obliged.
"My assignment is to be honest with someone I've been lying to," JJ said.
"Okay?" Emily looked at her with a puzzled glance.

"Emily, I've been lying to you for a while now. I've been telling myself the same lie, really. But you and I both know the truth so now I need to be honest," JJ rambled on courageously.
"JJ..." Emily began but Jennifer cut her off.

"I love you, Emily. I love you. I should have told you months ago, but I was too afraid. I was afraid of the truth, afraid you wouldn't love me back, afraid that you would...I was afraid I would screw things up between us. But mostly I was afraid because I love you so much that the thought of losing you scared me more than the prospect of you never knowing the truth. But it's not fair to lie. To either of us...so there's the honest truth, Emily. I love you, and I think you love me too."

Emily almost didn't let Jennifer finish talking before she grabbed the blonde's head and passionately crashed into her lips. JJ reciprocated, tactfully pushing her tongue between Emily's teeth. Eventually, Emily looked into JJ's eyes and said "I do love you, too."

JJ was giddy at those words, but she knew that they had a lot to talk about. "This time away from the team has been so tough," she told Emily. "But it's been good to finally take time to just be with Henry and work through our grief together. Obviously, I've still got lots to work on, but I'm so happy, Emily." As she said the last part, she looked at the brunette with a seductive grin and Emily went in for another kiss.

"JJ, ever since that night in Pittsburgh, I knew we were meant to be together. Laying there with you just felt like home. And that night at the bar, I haven't gotten it off my mind," Emily confessed.

"I'm still so sorry about that. I wanted to do it so bad, but I just started overthinking and screwed it all up," JJ said.

"That's alright, maybe we could..." Emily started, leaning in to kiss JJ's neck. "...pick up," she pulled JJ's shirt off her shoulder. "where we left off," she unhooked JJ's bra and the straps fell down her arms.

JJ could feel herself getting hot. She leaned back and moaned as she let Emily take off her shirt and caress her nipples the way she did at the bar nearly a month ago. Emily's mouth was magical on JJ's skin, softly sucking on the sensitive part right above the waistband.
"Emily," JJ moaned again. "Bedroom," she whispered.

Surprising JJ, Emily suddenly swooped her up and began carrying her to the bedroom. JJ wrapped her legs around Emily's waist and planted deep kisses on her lips and neck. JJ felt her thighs biting with anticipation as Emily set her down on the bed and unzipped her pants. Before taking off JJ's panties, Emily stripped down to her bra and underwear and then climbed on top of the blonde. She continued to kiss JJ just above her pelvis, making JJ squirm with joy. Finally, she took JJ's panties off and began dancing her fingers over that sweet spot of nerves.

At first, she was graceful and careful, but as she felt JJ get more and more aroused she picked up the pace, stroking her more aggressively until her hand was soaked. That's when Emily knew JJ was ready and she inserted one finger at first. Then another. She curled them in and out as JJ's back arched and she ab muscles tensed, her moans getting louder with each stroke. Finally, she experienced an orgasm she had never felt before in all of her hetero relationships.

Emily knew JJ was satisfied so she laid down next to her in the bed and began making out with her again, fighting the blonde's tongue for leverage. That's when JJ uttered, "your turn." And crawled on top of Emily.

Emily closed her eyes as she felt JJ's gentle touch move down her body. It was sweeter than anything she knew before, a change of pace that she never knew she was craving. JJ's strokes were soothing, yet Emily felt herself getting more and more stimulated as the blonde continued to play the long game. "JJ," Emily moaned. Suddenly JJ had lifted her tongue from Emily's thighs and looked up at the brunette. "Shhh, it's not JJ, it's Jennifer."

Emily was so aroused by that when JJ began again her hand was soaked, methodically dancing her fingers in and out. Soon, Emily had finished and JJ joined her partner back at the head of the bed.

"Do you think your therapist will give you an A on your homework assignment then?" Emily joked.

JJ laughed while still trying to regain her breath. "I'd say so." She set her head on Emily's shoulder and Emily grabbed JJ's hand.

"So, about that," JJ continued. "I don't think getting in to a serious relationship is a good idea for me at the moment."

"Well, you could have just said the sex was bad," Emily laughed.

"Oh, trust me. I would love to do that again anytime," JJ said. "I meant that I think we should just take things slower, enjoy each other's company, just have fun."

"I'm down with that," Emily agreed. "I can do casual."

"Speaking of casual, I don't want to tell anyone, at least, not yet. Is that something you're okay with?" JJ asked.

"Like don't tell the team? Or Mark?" Emily asked. Those were pretty much the only people she ever saw anyway.

"A secret romance could be fun, don't you think?" JJ asked.

"Especially with you," Emily jabbed. "But what should I do about Mark?"

"I'd be cool with you two still...hanging out. At least until we figure things out," JJ said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to feel like I'm cheating," Emily asked with caution.

"I'm sure, as long as you don't catch feelings for him," JJ laughed.

Emily joined in her laughter. "We don't have to worry about that."

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