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[ Fan sign location ]

  As we got ready for the fan sign, Kayla pulled the 3 boys aside and passed them their guns while I went to hide my own with me.

  “Everyone in positions?” Minjae asked, we had decided to link up with each other using our neural implants. It would be energy draining but there were 3 of us so it would be less draining.

  A chorus of "yes" went around. “Fan signs starting in 5 minutes.” Changbin came up to me and informed me.

  “You nervous Chaemin?” He asked. I couldn't help but to be nervous, if anything goes wrong someone might die.

  “Come on, Chan hyung's probably waiting for us.” Changbin said and we went back to the dressing rooms.

(I don't know how fan signs work btw) 

  The first half went smoothly, the performing part. Then here comes the second part, the interaction part. Everything was going smoothly until a couple of suspicious fanboys came up.


  “Seungmin!” Jiyeon shouted in panic. Seungmin has gotten shot in the left arm. Hell broke loose within the fans.

  There were around 15 shooters in the crowd. Fans were getting evacuated. “Get the members!” one of the shooters shouted. The members instinctively followed Chan. One the way to the safe room two of the shooters stopped them. 

  “you boys are not going anywhere.” they said scarily in english. Minho then charged forward to take one down, Seungmin took out his gun with his good arm and shot them down.

  The other boys stood there stunned. “Yah, let's go.” Minho told them and they continued going to the room.

  Kira was there already, the 00' liner (except Seungmin) we're shocked to see her there. “Shut the doors and lock them!” She instructed and Changbin did so.

  “Owww!” The adrenaline left Seungmin's body. Kira quickly rush to get the medical equipment and went to help Seungmin.

  “Wait, where's Chaemin?!” Hyunjin panicked.

  “Don't worry, she'll be fine.” Minho told him.

⊱ ────── {⋆♬⋆} ────── ⊰

  When Seungmin got shot by one of the "fanboys" Jiyeon quickly took out her gun and shot the "fanboy" back. “The attack has started!” Minjae informed everyone that was connected.

  I told the fans who were on stage to quickly go backstage and hide. Kayla lead those STAYs to a safe place behind.

  I took out my gun and started shooting the shooters down. One of them had held a few STAYs hostage. “What's one of the members doing here with a gun?” He laughed. I pointed the gun steadily towards him and shot him down.

  “Are you all okay?” I checked with the STAYs, they looked pretty shaken up. Since we were close to the stage, I guided them backstage and they joined the other STAYs hiding there.

  After a while of intense battling, all the STAYs were safe and there were only a few shooters that weren't shot down yet.

  Jiyeon shot one of them but was caught off guard by one of the other. I quickly shot down the other. The last one took the chance and shot Jiyeon. “JIYEON!” I screamed both telephaticly and non-telephaticly. 

  Minjae shot down the last one and ran to Jiyeon's aid. “Summer, quickly bring her to the ambulance and go to the hospital.” Then everything went black.

⊱ ────── {⋆♬⋆} ────── ⊰

3rd person pov

  “There we go. Later we'll go to the hospital and get that checked up properly.” Kira said. The members were confused, shocked and scared.

  “Can someone explain what's happening and why does Seungmin have a gun with him?” Changbin asked. 

  “I don't think anyone realises but where's Chaemin!” Hyunjin continued panicking.

  “She's fine, don't worry.” Minho said. Then knocking sounds were heard on the door. “Don't open it, it's not the code.” Seungmin said. Now it wasn't knocking but someone trying to barge in.

  “Stand back everyone.” Minho said, he had now taken out his gun. Everyone looked at him shocked. He opened the door and shot the person infront of them but there were a few others there. 

  He went full agent mode and knocked out all of them, shooting them as well. “Minjae, there's 3 shooters here and they're down.” he informed Minjae and went back in the room and locked the door.

  “Hyung...” Minho's clothes now had a bit of blood on it. 

  “JIYEON!” The members could hear Minrae shout from the room. Seungmin shot up and his eyes widened in fear.

⊱ ────── {⋆♬⋆} ────── ⊰

  While Minjae instructed Summer and the paramedics to bring Jiyeon to the hospital, Minrae fainted due to exhaustion. “Rae? Rae! Bring her as well.”

  “Kayla, you go get the group. I'll deal with the STAYs” Minjae instructed. Kayla went backstage to the STAYs and told the STAYs there it was safe. Another agent brought them to the rest of the fandom.

  Kayla reached the room and there were 3 bodies like what Minho said, one agent came with her and cleared up the bodies.

  “I'm outside, you can open the door now.” Kayla told them and knocked the code as well. Kira opened the door and the members peeped out.

  “Manager noona! Are you okay?” Jeongin asked and Kayla nodded.

  Kira, bring Seungmin and Minho to the ambulance. I'll take care of the boys.” Kayla instructed. The rest of the members looked really confused and scared.

  “Where's Chaemin? Is she okay?” Hyunjin asked.

  “She's fine, she fainted out of exhaustion and now is going to the hospital.” Kayla informed them.

  “No you aren't going to the hospital yet. You're going back to the hotel to take a shower and rest. We'll go to the hospital tomorrow.” Kayla added.

  The members had no choice but to follow instructions and went back to the hotel. They were all still curious about why and what had happened but they were only going to get an explanation tomorrow as well. 

No the books not ending soon if you're wondering.

I feel guilty for not giving a lot of "screen time" to changbin :(
So now I'm trying to give him more "screen time"

Yes I think of fanfics like a show, everyone needs screen time.

Now I think you can guess who likes Minrae ;)


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